The howler

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Despite their discreetness, the news soon spread of Hermione and Draco's relationship, and exactly as Hermione had predicted, Harry was livid. After all, most friends of theirs were.

'How could you?!' He hissed at her as he left the common room.

'He's not the enemy, Harry.'

'Umbridge'll use it as an excuse to get you! Or had you forgotten 'I will keep my lips to myself'?'

Hermione looked at the faint white scars that still bore the words.
'I can take care of myself.' was all she said.

'You obviously can't!' Harry spat, at once regretting it.

'Oh really?' Hermione was challenging him.

Harry didnt take the hint. Hermione was tired of guys not getting it. 'And you, Harry. You're getting into detentions every other day, never learning to keep quiet, moping when you don't get a reply from Snuffles, freaking out over every little thing.' She took a step closer. 'So tell me again, who is it who can't take care of themselves?'

Harry didn't dare this time. Even he knew it was true. His D.A meetings had been the only thing keeping him sane after detentions with Umbridge, and there were few enough of them.

'I'm going to meet Draco.' Hermione said so quickly Harry barely heard. Before he even had the chance to argue, she was gone.



She spun around and got a face full of snow. Ron. He was grinning, wrapped up so warm that the only skin visible was his face.

'Malfoy's looking for you.' Dean said, apearing out of a blizzard of snow. 'I saw him by the common room.'

As expected, Ron resumed a glum expression. 'Well. Bye Hermione.'

'I'm not going anywhere, not in this snow!' She chuckled, secretly piling snow into a huge snowball in her mittens.

'Oh too-' Ron started, but just then Hermione's snowball hit him in the hood. His eyes were full of childlike glee.

'SNOW FIGHT!!' Dean yelled, and the action begun. Snow flying everywhere, on random civilians in the town of Hogsmead, and on all three. Ron slipped twice, to Hermione's delight and she piled a mass of snow into his hood. He pulled a horrified face and squealed with displeasure at the icy feeling on his neck.

Three snowballs hit Hermione at once, knocking her to the slippery white ground. 'Muahahahah..' said the attacker as he flung another at her.

'Draco!' She called, seeing his icy white hair blend into the blizzard.

Suddenly hands were on her waist as Draco pulled her up, planting a warm, welcoming kiss on her cheek. Another snowball hit the back of his head.

'OI! THIS IS WAR!' Seamus had almost twenty small balls of compact snow in his arms, and Ron was piling up more by the second. Hermione and Draco exchanged a look before slipping away clumsily as what seemed like hundreds of snowballs were hurled at them.

'Haha, oh I'm so cold now!!' Hermione said between laughs and shivers.

'Take my coat.' It was more of an order than an offer.

'Draco, I can't-'

'Take it. I can stand the cold better than you.' He smiled.

'Fine, if you insist.' She pretended to scowl.

He laughed at her ridiculous expression. 'You're perfect.' He said abruptly.

'What? I am not!' She almost sounded proud to be imperfect.

'Well, I must have a different list on being perfect, because you're every bit perfect.'

She blushed. They pushed through the crowd of students on their way to and from Hogsmead, until they were just outside the Great Hall.

'Mr Malfoy?' Said a familiar voice, and they both whirled around. It was Flitwick. 'There's a letter come late for you, Snape has left it in the Dungeons. I think he said something about a howler, so you better be quick.'

'Yes Sir.' Draco said, and turned to Hermione. 'Who would have sent me a howler?'

'Pansy?' Hermione was just as confused as him.

'She could have just said it to my face. I- I'll go and see what this is all about.' He pecked her on the cheek.

'Bye.' She whispered for some reason, and went on her way to the library.


'Draco, there's something for you on the bed.' Blaise said quietly, hidden behind a copy of the Daily Prophet. Draco wondered if he detected humour in his voice.

As promised, an envelope sat waiting on his bed. It was dark green, patterned with little lighter green stripes. It was sealed with a symbol he knew all too well.

Also printed in green, the wax seal held the crest of the Malfoy family. Several serpents were slithering about the seal, above the words 'Sanctimonia Vincet Semper'.

'Purity will always conquer'.

As soon as he touched the seal, the letter jumped to life.

'Draco Lucius Malfoy!' The letter hissed, taking his mother's voice. 'Do you know what kind of atrocious rumours we've been hearing about our son?'

Draco gulped.

'When Priscilla Parkinson approaches me in Gringotts, and suddenly says 'Oh Narcissa, you must be so ashamed!' Let me say, Draco, I was rather confused, until she graciously explained. A muggle-born?! My only son, who we raised against this sort of thing, dating a mudblood?! Your father was disgusted when he heard. He even thought we should pull you out of school and send you to Durmstrang instead!'

'No!' Draco said aloud, even though the howler wouldn't hear it.

'Needless to say, I convinced him against the idea. But that does not mean I'm not furious! And apparently, her parents chisel at teeth for a living! A half-blood I may be able to forgive over time, but without warning, a mudblood?! I've spoken to the school and we'll be taking you home over Christmas, away from that nasty girl. Also, you're grounded until I can swear you're clean of the little witch. Oh, and I nearly forgot she's a Gryffindor too! DO YOU HAVE NO STANDARDS?!'

People sniggered from the room outside.

'It's only right what we've done now, and I hope this helps you learn your lesson. Be thankful we negotiated with a teacher of yours, Miss Umbridge! You'll be seeing her for detentions on our behalf until you start dating Pure-blood girls, you understand? A mudblood indeed. Even a Pure-Blood boy I'd understand!'

More giggles from outside the room.

'I'm expecting a letter from you stating that I have this all wrong, please give me that satisfaction. Also, no quidditch until you've left the horrid girl.'

Draco was gobsmacked. He grabbed his wand and went to tell Hermione. She'd know what to do. She always did.


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