Pansy Parkinson

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Severus Snape glared hatefully at the group of teenagers. Well, all except Malfoy. As the head of Slytherin, he had some sort of unnatural bond with Malfoy. At least, that's what Harry and Ron thought. Hermione was still urgently flipping through one of her books for an anti-curse, while skin proceeded in peeling heavily from her face, plastering the whole compartment. 

No one said a word, although Draco was still rolling about and holding his ears while crying loudly out in the corridor.

Snape look disgustedly at Hermione, who was now looking like something out of a horror movie. He pulled his long dark wand from the pocket of his ink black robes, and struck the air in front of Hermione. Her skin began to repair itself quickly, and in a matter of seconds the flakes of skin all around had disappeared also. She looked thankful, slightly embarrassed.

Snape swept the greasy black hair out of his face in a way that made Harry want to retch. He swiftly turned to face Draco, who's ears were bright purple and the size of large coconuts. 'Draco. Who did this to you?' He asked calmly.

Draco's ears were still growing, and he only just managed to squeal 'H-Harry.' 

Both Hermione and Ron began to argue that it wasn't, but Snape had already silenced the two of them with a swift flick of his wand.

'Potter. You and Draco can meet me in my office after the feast.' He snarled. 'Not a good start to the year.' And with that, he turned and walked out of the carriage, stepping over Malfoy.

Ron was all but ready to jinx the hell out of Malfoy when the train came to a sudden stop and they heard the two piercing whistles signalling their arrival. 


Malfoy sat with his fellow Slytherins. He felt strangely guilty. It wasn't because of the fact that he had blamed Harry for his swelling ears, even though he knew full well it was Ron. After all, Potter was a deserving git and much more of  a challenge. Ron was only acting tough for Hermione, thought Malfoy.

Hermione. He hadn't meant to curse Hermione, and just the thought of her screaming as her skin fell away made him want to turn himself in. But why? She's just a mudblood, he thought. An insufferable know-it-all. Perhaps it was simply because she was a girl. He'd never dream of jinxing Pansy Parkinson, although they were friends.. And Malfoy knew very well Pansy fancied him. She'd gone bright red and boasted to all her friends when Malfoy asked her to The Yule Ball the year before.

He didn't even care when the food appeared, succulent chicken and chocolate frogs as well as other delicious treasures. Some hufflepuff girls from across the hall were staring at him and giggling. His ears had been returned to normal size, but he still felt particularly conscious of people that looked, since pretty much everyone had heard about what happened on the train. 

'Daydreaming Draco?' Said a girly voice beside him. Pansy Parkinson was attempting to smile sweetly, while twirling a strand of her short jet-black hair around her finger.

'Uh, no.. I-' Draco stuttered.

'Your ears look fine, by the way.' Draco blushed beet red and turned away.

Crabbe and Goyle, Malfoy's two bulky sidekicks squeezed beside him, stuffing themselves with cauldron cakes. Crabbe looked up at Malfoy after finishing his mouthful. 'Oi heard you jinxed Granger.' 

Draco's eyes widened as if he had just remembered. 'Well, actually it was an accident..' He muttered.

'You sound like you feel bad about it. Remember, she deserves it, the mudblood.' Said Pansy, giggling ridiculously. Draco didn't reply. He looked down at his plate, full of food he had no intention of eating.

'.. But why?' He said in a quiet voice, although Crabbe, Pansy, a boy called Blaise, and finally Goyle who was a little slow, let out a gasp of shock.

'She's a mudblood!' Screeched Pansy.

'So?' The words slipped out of Draco's mouth before he could stop them. He immediately clamped his hand over his mouth, realising his mistake.

Pansy made a disgusted noise, Blaise tutted, Crabbe and Goyle simultaneously went 'Oh?' and a girl near them on the table who had been eavesdropping let out a tiny squeak.

'You're a Malfoy. Did you forget what your whole family thinks of them.' Blaise spoke, then picked up his wand from the bench and left for the dormitory.

Pansy didn't say anything for the rest of the meal, and when Draco finally left for the Slytherin Common-room with Crabbe and Goyle, he felt like a guilty child who'd just been told off.


'Granger!' Malfoy shouted at Hermione, who was a few metres in front of him, obviously on the way to Gryffindor Common-room. He could only tell it was her because of her bushy brown hair and the fact she was clasping books.

She spun round, her wand suddenly in her hand.

Malfoy ran up to her, suddenly feeling rather nervous. 

'I-I'm sorry about the uh.. Skin.' He said, watching her blush scarlet red.

'You, You're saying sorry?' She asked, surprised and dubious, emphasising the 'Sorry'.

'Well, I meant to hit Harry.' 

'I know. It's just you've never said sorry to me before.'

'I know. I just felt bad.' Draco spoke, feeling embarrassed by his own words.

 'This doesn't change anything at all.' She almost hissed, giving a fake smile and resuming walking to her Common-room. 

Just as he turned to leave, he caught one of Pansy Parksinson's hating glares from around the corner, and shrugged his shoulders when she threw him a questioning look.


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