We continued to talk about yesterday night and the events that took place. Most of them were hilarious. I had become a cynic if I was not surprised by the amount of backstabbing and kiss-ups that I had seen and received.

The car was slowing down making a circle. I looked out the window and I could see the two water fountains. We are here.

"We are here" I announced giving them a watery smile.

"We are here" I announced giving them a watery smile

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"Whoa, it is huge" Theo exclaimed. I almost laughed at her jaw dropping to the car floor. Instead I managed a simple nod. I used to have sleep-overs here at this place when my dad worked here. I will come weekdays and weekends. I nearly cried at the memory. My brother and sister and I will bunk in one of the lavish rooms in the servants' quarters. And as time went on I gradually moved to the main house. I adored this place, I had always been passionate for sceneries and I tell you that Northridge had some of the best sceneries in the continent at least.

As the car pulls up, memories starting resurfacing. I can almost see me racing around the gardens and forests with Zach. Having picnics with the whole family. Or pushing Jessica into the fountain hours before her high school prom. Those memories are so capricious.

So stupid. This house had brought me pain and terror. The ending of my marriage started here.

"I second that"

The car came to a complete stop.

"You can do this Meri" Theo encouraged.

"Yeah. And we will be right with you every step of the way." Sophia added reaching to pat my leg.

I could cry. I really did have the best people right in front of me. "Whatever, happens I want you guys to know how grateful I am and how I always love you both." looking them deeply in the eyes. And it was true I couldn't do this without their support.

"We know"

With a deep breath "Okay. It's time" putting on my sunglasses and grabbing my purse, I opened the car door. Theo was beside me in a second. She looked good in blue jeans and a wide opening white collar top with high heels.

"I'll see you guys in a minute" Sophia called. We had a plan and for that to work she had to stay in the car for the time being.

I gave her a wave and together we walked up the stairs to the door.

"My word. No matter how much I dislike them Danson's I can't hate them for their taste" Theo whistled.

"Yeah. They have taste all right" I replied wryly. It was the same taste that had driven them to treat me inhumanly.

Before we could take our final steps to the door, it swung open. I glanced at Theo and then walked in.

The door closed and I could finally see who was behind it. It was good old Evan.

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