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kuh-prish-uh s, -pree-shuh s

1. subject to, led by, or indicative of a sudden, odd notion or unpredictable change; erratic. He's such a capricious boss I never know how he'll react.

2. to describe a person or thing that's impulsive and unpredictable. Like a bride who suddenly leaves her groom standing at the wedding altar.

Humans, unregulated, are cruel and capricious; violent and selfish; miserable and quarrelsome. It is only after their instincts and basic emotions have been controlled that they can be happy, generous, and good.

-Lauren Oliver

I suppose memory has at least two faces, and capricious ones at that.

-Darin Strauss


"Okay. Yeah. Yeah." ending the call I concentrated on the newspaper on my lap.

"I still can't believe we are going to be living in a mansion" Sophia squealed for the tenth time. She was shaking like crazy as the limo pulled through the city to the outskirts. The Danson mansion was just on the outskirts of the Hamptons.

I looked up from the newspaper to smile at her briefly before digging back to what I was reading. It was the local gossip column and the airing of laundry good and bad. I must say that I was excited and thrilled of my critics. They called the night sensational; and a true comeback for Merissa Tay-Danson. I was still miffed about the Danson part but I could suffer in silence. After all it will all be worth it in the end. The article called me strong and in control and get this, very much in love with Zach. I guess I was a better actress than I imagined.

Laughing to myself I couldn't help but think of the irony of the whole situation/ I guess the line between love and hate is very thin.

Folding the newspaper I turned to the two ladies.

"Excited?" I asked.

"Nervous is more like it" Sophia sighed.

"It will be fine" I assured her. I wouldn't let anything happen to her. I swear it.

"I hope so. It's just that I don't think they will like me or appreciate me coming to live with you" quietly to herself.

"First, I can bring whoever I want. Second, they don't have to like you. They need to fear you. You are an extension of me. And no one will dare challenge that. I won't allow it. You will tell me if anyone bothers you, right?"

She nodded her head slowly.

"Don't worry Soph, everything is going to be fine" Theo assured her. She was sitting next to her and placed a hand on her shoulder in a comforting manner.

"I know. By the way, Meri, did I mention that you are looking beautiful" she gushed changing the subject.

"Only about ten times" I laughed. I decided to let it go. She was nervous enough. Yesterday, after the party she was telling me how nervous and out of place she felt at the Expo. I couldn't blame her. It is a lot to take in and everyone's eyes are on you waiting for you to slip up and make one small mistake.

Sophia was a very quiet human being. Good willing and naïve. And so innocent. At times, she reminded me of myself and that is why I needed to protect her more than ever. I was bringing her into a world where kindness does not exist. Only bullying, backstabbing and lies. It was quite confusing, sometimes I want her to grow a thicker skin and other times I want to keep her innocence and naiveté.

"Well it's true you are looking gorgeous"

And she wasn't wrong. Even I will admit that I look great. I took great pains with this outfit. It was a form-fitting black pencil skirt with a cream blouse. I was wearing black four-inch boot heels. My hair had been curled to give me a soft look and I was wearing nude lipstick.

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