Chapter 17

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Days passed by bringing the finale of the show closer. This meant Sharon had double the amount of work she usually did. Never the less she always made time to spend it with Swayam. Swayam was mostly in the theatre checking everything and helping out Sharon however he could. They spent their breaks together and had a stroll in the park before they left for home. Even though it was a new addition to the things they did, it felt natural to both of them. They would talk endlessly or just sit in silence enjoying the surroundings. After the day Sharon had told her about Swayam and her, Ankita made her visits to the theatre more frequent. Her visits would result in Sharon and Swayam blushing because of all the teasing she did. Personally she loved it but she knew that both of them didn't like it at all. She just laughs at their blushing faces, because they both look so adorable and her job was well done. Today was officially the last day of the shoot. After this they had to manage the voting details and announcement of the winner but recording all the performances and the interviews were all crammed in one last day. Sharon was exhausted by the day ended and was relieved to see Swayam standing, patiently waiting for her.

"I'm finally done." Sharon said as she announced her presence.

"Finally! I thought I would grow old here." Swayam said.

"Leave it to Mr. Swayam Shekhawat to exaggerate everything." Sharon said as she rolled her eyes.

"You're so boring Sharon." He replied.

"I know. I've heard it plenty of times. Now I would like to go home and relax." Sharon said.

"Your ride awaits you." Swayam said.

They both walked silently to Swayam's bike. Sharon had a very exhausted expression on her face. The whole workload and the fact that the show was ending drained all of her energy. Swayam noticed this about her. She would get upset whenever he brought out the topic of how quickly time passed and only a few days were left before the show wrapped up. Sharon didn't like changes. She knew they were necessary but that didn't stop her from disliking them. She liked a particular routine and with the show wrapping up after almost two months, Sharon felt a little lost. It would be nice to have a little vacation before she began another show, but she would miss the contestants, the rehearsals and mostly the theatre. Therefore, Swayam like a dutiful boyfriend decided that his girlfriend could use a little bit of caffeine in her body. Sharon noticed Swayam was going the opposite direction of what he should be taking to drop her home.

"You were supposed to drop me home." She said.

"I know that, but I think a cup of coffee would make you feel better." Swayam replied.

Sharon just smiled. His transition into her boyfriend made him more sweet and caring. Sure, he would still tease her but he kept doing little things that warmed her heart, like he would sometimes bring her chocolates or flowers. He tried to help her in her work. Once when she was frustrated because one of the contestants was throwing a tantrum, Swayam went on the stage and started belting out bollywood songs along with dancing to his offbeat singing. He did look stupid doing it but it led to Sharon laughing her hearts out, along with the other people on the set. Seeing that he had embarrassed himself in front of the whole crew he did threaten Sharon to never speak of it again. She stopped thinking about it when she felt the vehicle stop. She got down and followed Swayam inside the small cafe. The smell of coffee immediately made her mood better. They both then sat after ordering their drinks. Sharon sipped on her coffee and smiled contently.

"You were right. I did need a bit of caffeine in my body." Sharon said.

"I'm always right. So, the shootings finally wrapped up." Swayam said.

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