Chapter 15

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Have you ever had the feeling that reality was a dream, like whatever was happening was too good to be real, that you had to pinch yourself to assure yourself that it was indeed true? Sharon was feeling the same.

As she sat in the bus she tried to wrap her head around the events that occurred yesterday. Never did she think that the day would turn out like it did. She thought the day would be relaxing but instead it left her heart beating faster and leaving her mind buzzing.

She felt something heavy on her shoulders and saw that Swayam had fallen asleep. She smiled at him and looked at their intertwined hands. It felt so different yet it seemed to fit right into hers.

After they confessed their feelings for each other they sat together admiring the stars. Sharon had her face buried into Swayam's chest. They stayed like that for sometime after which Swayam noticed Sharon's droopy eyes. As they returned back to their tents Swayam quickly stole a kiss from Sharon leaving her shocked. Sharon smiled and felt a blush form.

She turned around to face a peacefully sleeping Swayam careful not to wake him up. She ran her fingers through his hair feeling jealous of how soft his hair was. He could be the face of a shampoo commercial if he wished to. She heard him mumble something not quite understanding it. She kept her eyes fixated on him wondering what he could be dreaming. After sometime she changed her field of vision to the window, absorbing the changing view.

Swayam was on the verge of consciousness as the bus jumped up due to a rocky road. He always felt sleepy when he sat in a moving vehicle too long. He opened his eyes to notice he had fallen asleep on Sharon's shoulder, who was now busy listening to music with her earphones on. Her eyes were closed and her head bopped to whatever tune she was listening to. He was busy admiring her when yesterday's events passed through his head. His smile grew wider and lifted his head off her shoulder to sit upright.
Sharon noticed the weight lifting off her shoulders and turned to find a widely grinning Swayam.

"Good morning sleepy head." Sharon said.

"Good morning love." He replied causing Sharon to blush. Swayam had made her blush way too many times.

"I like it when you blush." Swayam said after getting no response from Sharon.

"I wasn't blushing." Sharon replied.

"You sure were love." Swayam said.

"Stop calling me that." Sharon said.

"What? Love? You don't like it? I thought it was a better nickname than volcano." Swayam replied.

"It certainly is." Sharon replied.

"But?" Swayam said.

"How did you know there was a 'but'? Don't answer that. You'll probably say something cheesy that will make me blush again." Sharon said.

"So you do admit you were blushing." Swayam said with a smirk on his face.

"Okay fine you win. It's just that I feel weird about you calling me by new nicknames. Everything has changed between us and I sometimes feel overwhelmed." Sharon said.

"Nothing's changed between us Sharon. We are still the same, the only difference being that you and I both know that we like each other more than friends do. You can still talk to me about random things, call me for no reason at all and share whatever that's going on in your mind." Swayam replied whilst holding Sharon's hand. He traced small circles on the back of her hand trying to reassure her.

Sharon smiled at him shifting her gaze from their intertwined hands to his face. He held her gaze as strongly as she did. She felt her head buzz with thoughts. She didn't know from where all those thoughts about uncertainty came but somehow they did.

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