Chapter 29: Lilly

Start from the beginning

"Thomas." I whispered, I knew he couldn't hear me over the cheering of the crowd but my utterly shocked expression gave me away. 

"Hey love. Long time no see!" Thomas smirked as he came nearer to me and I backed away. his smirk wasn't playful like Nate's; it was cunning and full of deceit.

This must be some kind of nightmare, just when I thought everything was turning out for the better in comes this asshole, barging through my life. This isn't fair. I need to get out of here. 

Just as I was about to make my way to the cage's steel door, there was a loud beep before an announcer began telling the crowd our name and getting them pumped. I'm sure Nate would have figured out that this is the Thomas I was telling him about. 

I looked over my shoulder and Nate was whispering something in Xavier's ear and a few seconds later a look of recognition slipped through his features. Nate looked back at me as I pleaded him with my eyes, a look of determination crossed Nate's features as he tried to get closer to the cage, Xavier following closely behind. 

Another beep sounded and the announcer was back on, "FIGHT!" and those were the only words I needed before I pounced on Thomas. 

I tried aiming for his face but he protected it well so I aimed lower, for his ribs leaving my face exposed for Thomas so, he took the opportunity and delivered a right hook to my jaw before I could even touch him. As a reflex, I quickly moved back and started massaging my jaw.

"You're stronger than I remember but not strong enough Lilly." Thomas spat as we began circling each other. 

"Oh believe me, I'm strong enough to kick your ass." I spat back as I focused on getting out of this alive. I knew Thomas, he was going to keep me awake for the longest time possible then hurt me over and over. It's his way.

"Oh look, she speaks." Thomas mocked. 

"And I hit too, asshole." I snickered as delivered a quick but strong punch to his ribs then quickly retracted myself.     

If he was in pain, he didn't show it, "Lilly, where did you get that sailor mouth from? Where did my innocent Lilly go?" he continued mocking me. 

He's just trying to get you angry Lilly. Don't fall for it. 

I looked at the edges of the arena where Nate was shouting at Ryan and Xavier was holding him back. I couldn't hear anything due to the cheering of the crowd but a swift kick to the abdomen brought me back.   

"Lilly, come on. I want you to focus on me. By the way, How's your brother? And your poor excuse of a mother?" 

That's it. he was pushing my buttons and he knew it. I screamed as I charged at Thomas not caring about the consequences. I just threw in punches. He cheated on me and that's not enough. No, here he is mocking me. 

"You asshole. I'm going to kill you." I shouted as I tried kicking him in the ribs but when I raised my legs, he took a hold of it twisting my ankle until I cried out in pain. 

"Still the weak, pathetic Lilly I left behind." he spat as he delivered another punch to my face. I fell to the ground, not having the mental or physical ability to do this anymore. 

"I looked to my side and Nate was being held back by security while Xavier was talking to the announcer standing by the door, shaking his head. Nate was staring desperately at me while I just smiled back. 

I could feel Thomas' weight on my stomach as he said "Surrender, now and I won't have to do this!" 

"You've done worse." were the only words I muttered before Thomas started punching the life out of me. I blocked most of his punches at first but my arms were slowly giving out and I could distinctly hear Nate's shouts over the cheering.

"He's going....kill...." "Please..." "LILLY!" 

No Nate, this in't how I'm going to. This asshole hurt me once but not again. 

Just as another punch was being delivered, I held Thomas wrist and using the element of surprise i punched him right in the chin, knocking him backwards.

Before he could get up, I wrapped my legs around his arms and my ankles were around is neck. I had him in a deadlock position and it was a matter of time before he would surrender.

Without any words being exchanged, Thomas tapped the floor twice indicating his surrender and another beep sounded. I let him go and crawled away from him then laid on my back. 

Nate crouched down beside me, his eyes glazed over. 

"Don't you dare say 'told you so'" I smiled, coughing slightly. 

Nate smiled as he bent down and gave me a quick peck on the lips "I love you." 

"That's all I needed to hear, Nate." I smiled, holding his hand as my eyes started dropping. 

"Lilly, what's wrong? What's hurting you?" Nate asked worriedly. 

I dragged his hand over to where my heart is supposed to be and kept it there. Nate looked up sadly at me and I was engulfed by darkness.


Hey guys, an extra long chapter.

Another chapter, another character!

Hope you guys like this chapter. Don't forget to leave a comment down there!

A picture of Colton Haynes is above which is played by Thomas.

Until next time guys. 


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