Chapter 1 -- The Death Bringer

Start from the beginning

“O-okay… I won’t,” I assured her. A moment later, she bounced off to our other friends who are already planning their night-out.

I stared outside the window, There is a reason why I always read these kinds of cases though. I glanced at the big headline in the newspaper, feeling that strong sense of betrayal I felt when my parent’s case was solved without them even coming close to identifying the criminal.

 I closed my eyes, the fragments of my memories of that horrible night 5 years ago came to me.

It was a rainy night, and there was a person in the house, a burglar? A robber?

My father tried to talk to him. The person raised his arm and brought it down forcefully, he was holding something very long. Something deadly.

My mother’s face was filled with tears. She tried to talk to the person too. The person did the same with her.

The person was laughing as he continued to swing his arms, along with the deadly item.

Then the person looked at me.

I tried to remember the face of the killer but the trauma prevented me from doing that. I didn’t have a loose screw but it took me one awfully long year of doing psychiatric treatments to recover, and even after then I still get nightmares. Frustratingly, there was never even a case of robbery or something after that incident happened. For them it was just a simple murder case, but… I don’t know but, I know better. Up until now, even after 5 years, I’m hoping that something will eventually come to surface. That my parent’s death may eventually have its justice.

Fortunately for my sister, she was sent away to a camp when it happened. When she was devastated, sure, but eventually she started thinking that it was just a loss. Just a loss. I wanted to smash her face in, and I almost did, when she told me to just get over it. But since she’s my older sister, I can’t.

By the time I finished with my share of books, all the other representatives have already gone. I looked at the clock hanging above the door; 7:32 pm. I hurriedly fetched my bag from the classroom and headed outside.

The sky was already dark by the time I was halfway home. I started to increase my pace, the clicks of my shoes were the only sound I could hear. However, from a distant alley barely lit by the streetlamp, I caught a glimpse of a shiny metal then it was followed by a strangled cry and a series of gurgled sounds. And then a sound of somebody’s sustained whimpers.

Despite knowing fully well that it’s dangerous, I rushed to take a look and to see if somebody needs help.

When I reached the alley, I was overwhelmed by the stink of blood, it was so strong and so thick that I felt I can almost touch it. I crept closer to see what’s happening. I waited for my eyes to adjust to the darkness and the first thing I saw was a man with his back to the wall, looking wide-eyed and terrified at the person in front of him.

I turned to look at the person and although I had a hard time to distinguish his features, I was finally able to see him enough after sever seconds.

The first thing I felt was the danger, every alarm in my mind started to ring but still I chose to ignore them.

I obsereved the boy;  he wore his black garments like those were the very representation of what was inside him. He had on a shirt, jeans, gloves and a cloak; a perfect outfit for them good ol' killers.  He had black hair, at shoulder’s length. In his right hand, he’s holding a scythe – 5 feet, from what I can tell—probably the metal that caught my attention a while ago.

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