Pt 23. After Kindia

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***As Gaara cries...***

Kindia's P.O.V

Falling through the darkness, I saw my life in fast forward. Every moment, every day, every year, in a matter of seconds.

It made me realise how much I had sacrificed.

A light appeared, and I stood up.

Hang on, stood up? I thought I was falling!

Oh well. I guess there was no logic in that place, wherever it was.

I walked towards the light, and found myself staring at none other than Kindara.

“Now, you go back. You are now Kinisa, the Balanced Female. Neither of us understood, but I do now. You can not stay. Farewell, Kinisa,” she said softly. She smiled at me, but it wasn't a cruel smile.

It was genuin.

“Kindara, why did you act how you did?” I asked.

“My mortal self was destined to act like this. Now, I shall live in the hell of hells. Return, Kinisa. Return to Gaara,” she said. I nodded.

“Farewell, Kindara.”

Everything went black.

Gaara's P.O.V

I stayed there for hours, cradling her dead body, crying.

“How could this happen?” I said sadly.

“Gaara, what has happened has happened. Do not linger. Come, we will give her a proper farewell,” Kankuro said behind me.



I looked over my shoulder at him.

“I will not live without her.”

“Gaara, don't say that. You are our Kazekage. SHE told you to stay,” he pleaded.

“I don't care.”

Kankuro stared at me for a few minutes, while I looked back down at her.

Suddenly, her body tensed for a brief moment, before she relaxed back into my arms.

“My god...,” Kankuro muttered.

After being dead for hours, Kindia was breathing once more.

Slowly, her eyes opened, and she smiled up at me weakly.

“Kindia,” I said softly, my voice faltering.

“Gaara,” she said, her voice no more than a mutter.

“How were...Kindia?” I stammered.

“It's...hard to...explain....”

“Shhh. It's ok,” I said softly.

She let out a little groan of pain. I looked down at her body.

She was bleeding, bruised, and damaged greatly, but alive.

I knew that if she didn't get medical help immediately, I would lose her again, possibly for good.

Quickly, I scooped her up, and ran to the hospital, carrying her in my arms. Almost instantly, she fell unconscious.

She was immediately taken from my arms, and I followed the medics.

I didn't want to leave her side.

***A few hours later***

Kinisa's P.O.V

I woke slowly. My vision was blurry, but it was fine after a few moments. Looking around, I saw Kankuro, Miro, Tiera, Temari, Kala, and Gaara.

Gaara was turned away, but the others were looking at me.

I saw Kankuro nudge Gaara, who turned around.

“Kindia,” he smiled at me.

Next thing I knew, he was holding me to his chest.

“Gaara, she isn't completely healed yet,” Temari said softly. He let go of me, and blushed slightly.

“Sorry,” he said quickly.

“It's ok,” I said, my voice quiet.

“Kindia, what happened?” Kala asked.

“I...died...I guess. I got locked in total darkness, where I watched my whole life. Then Kindara appeared, and revealed the end of the half-and-half mystery. Then, I gained a new name, and came back,” I said.

“New name?” Temari asked.

“Did Gaara explain the meaning behind my name and my brother's name?” I asked. Everyone nodded.

“When the two halves seperate and die, then they merge, and create the 'Isa', the balance. I have become Kinisa, the Balanced Female,” I explained.

“So you're new name is Kinisa?” Miro frowned. I nodded. They all went silent.

“I prefer Kindia. That's the name you know me all by,” I shrugged.

“But it's not your name anymore,” Kankuro objected.

“Fine. I'll be Kindia to you guys, and Kinisa during events or anything like that,” I smiled weakly.

They all agreed.

I felt myself falling asleep, and when I tried to stop myself, Gaara shook his head.

“Sleep, my dear,” he said softly, kissing my forehead.

I fell asleep, and thought of Gaara.

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