Pt 22. Final Decisions

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They got back into my room, but their conversations were too annoying. Can't be bothered writing them down.

Continueing onwards...

Kindia's P.O.V

I watched them fight helplessly.

There could only be one winning team.

And no matter how odd it sounds, I didn't want to be on the winning side.

“Stop!” I screamed. Everyone froze, even Kindara.

“I don't want any of my friends to die. There is only one way to do this, and I'm prepared,” I said sternly, glaring at my demon half.

“No,” she breathed.

I started the hand symbols.

I stopped at Dragon.

Now for the end, I thought.

“Prepare for the end, Kindara!” I screamed.

I unleashed jutsu after jutsu at her, and each time, we screamed in pain together.

At last, when I could tell that my time was over, I stopped. I sank to the ground, blood staining my clothes. Kindara did the same.

My eyelids were heavy, and I felt weaker than I ever had before.

So this is death, I thought. Suddenly, I felt strong arms raise me from the ground slightly. Gaara looked down at me, concerned.

“Why? Why did you sacrifice yourself?” he asked.

“Only one side can win. I want you to live on, Gaara. I do not matter. I'm a weakling. I mean nothing ultimately,” I managed to say.

“Don't give up on me, Kindia. You're all I care about. I can't live without you,” he said with great sorrow. I could see tears coming to his eyes.

“Your village needs you, my Kazekage. Live on. Remember me. I love you. I always ha...,” my voice faded, and I was unable to talk. I felt my breathing freeze. Although my eyes did not close, everything went black, and I fell away from the love of my life, into a never ending black void.

Gaara's P.O.V

I felt her body go still. Her eyes remained open, focusing on my face.

“She's dead,” I heard the red head girl, I think it might have been Kala, say from where she was beside Kindara.

“NO!!!” I yelled, holding Kindia's empty body to my chest. The others formed a circle around us.

“I'm so sorry, Gaara,” Kankuro said softly.

I had been told to love no one but myself so long ago.

Now, I had loved someone, and lost her.

And there, as they all watching, I cried, holding my only lover's body to my chest.

It is over. We will remain together, forever, I thought sadly as my tears fell onto her body.

And that's it. All over.

Nah, jokes. Why would I end it there? That's just sad.

The story will continue :)

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