Pt 5. Vacation

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Temari: Hey, why am I the one who gets engaged?

Me: ‘Cause I said so.

Gaara: … When do I get with Kindia?

Kindia: I knew it! I knew he liked me! (dancing around the room)

Me: Shut up you stupid retards! No spoilers!


***A few more weeks later***



Kindia's P.O.V

I walked down the road. The whole group was there. Miro and Temari were holding hands, and kankuro had his hand around Tiera's waist.

“So, guys, Temari and I were thinking that we should all go on a vacation,” Miro suddenly said. I frowned at him.

“Why?” I asked. Temari held out hand.

“We're engaged. The vacation would be a private celebration for the six of us, and maybe some friends from Leaf,” she explained.

“I'm in, and that means Tiera is too, right dear?” Kankuro said. Tiera laughed.

“Of course.”

“Gaara? Kindia?” Miro asked. I shrugged.

“Sure. Why not?”

“I don't know. I should be able to take a while off of my duties,” Gaara said quietly.

“Please do, Gaara!” Temari pleaded.

“I'll see what I can do,” he sighed.

***A week-ish later, at the entrance to the Hidden Sand Village***


We stood around, waiting for Tiera and Kankuro to show up. Gaara was able to come, so we were ready to leave.

“Sorry we're late. This girl wanted me to pack a few extra things,” kankuro said, walking with Tiera as they arrived.

“You know why,” she said to him cheekily.

“Ok. We all have our stuff, and the others from Leaf are probably already on their way,” Miro said. Everyone nodded.

“Let's head out!” Temari said excitedly.

Ok, lets skip a few days of travel. Let's skip to when they are arriving at their destination (a forest with no villages or anything nearby, a common vacation spot for the Sand, Leaf, and other villages.)


We arrived around noon. Three tents were already set up, with the doors wide open. In one, Sakura relaxed on a matress. In another, Kiba was playing with his puppy. In the last, Kakashi was reading.

“Miro! Temari! Hey!” Sakura yelled happily, sitting up. Kakashi lifted his head, as did Kiba. For the rest of the day, we set up our tents. Gaara had is own, I had my own, Miro and Temari shared one, and Tiera shared one with Kankuro.

I had just finished setting up when Tiera, Sakura, and Temari walked up.

“Hey, everyone's heading down to the stream for a swim, even some of the boys. You want to come?” Tiera said, grinning.

“Sure. Just let me get ready,” I shrugged. They grinned, and walked off.

I closed the tent opening, and changed into a bakini, wrapping myself up in a towel. Wearing that, I headed to the stream, where the other's were already in the water.

I dropped the towel, and jumped in quickly, startling Tiera.

“Surprise,” I grinned at her. She laughed, and splashed water at me. A few minutes later, the boys showed up. Kakashi sat up on the shore, reading, while Kiba, Miro and Kankuro jumped in. Gaara was still in his normal clothes, standing under a tree, watching.

We mucked around in the water for quite a while. Eventually, I got bored, and got out of the water. Wrapping myself up in a towel, I headed back to my tent.

Gaara's P.O.V

They splashed around in the water like children for a long time. After a while, Kindia got out, and walked off, wrapped up in a towel. I remained there, watching, unimpressed.

I too, got bored eventually, and wandered off into the forest.

I wandered for a while. The atmosphere and scenery was nothing like what I was used to. But it was pleasant and calming.

Over the past few weeks after I had gone to Kindia's house and talked to her, I had learned what love was, and how to tell it apart. Now, my heart swayed, and I knew that I was trully in love with a certain girl.

Kankuro and Miro had told me lots about what girls like.

The only thing was when I was going to try to use them, and reveal my love to her.

Another short chapter, but trust me, the next chapter is going to be GREAT! I already have it planned.


Gaara: Seriously? Why did I have to think that?

Me: Because you think like that, right?

Gaara: I guess…

Me: I control you! Mwahahaha!!!!

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