Chapter 2

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The scene, its changing again. It looks like I was bullied in Social media.

Marie *******
Hey you bitch, your such a bitch stop flirting with my boyfriend.

Carla ******
You slut, you did it with my boyfriend didn't you? Someone saw you two came out from hotel. If I met I will Kill you.

Linda ******
Yeah linda kill that bitch. Torture her. Lets do everything it takes to make her life miserable.

Abby ******
I never know you have that kind of personality I thought you're different. You're worst than I expected. You're a slutty bitch you.

Hey wanna try me tonight? You're a slut right? You shouldn't be choosy. You're not so beautiful.

F*ck you b*tch, you flirt, you try to steal my boyfriend you monster, fuck you bitch, you die, you shouldn't live, you fuck you monster.

Are you hot now guys do you want to kill that fucking bitch?

Of course

Yeah I can't wait.

Lets kill her, lets kill that fucking bitch fucking slut.

Oh my god, what did I do to make them call me a bitch? And they want to kill me? And why all this things, why can't I remember all of it? I messed up a lot. Lot of people hates me. So that's it, that's why I never used computer again. I can't stop crying. Why? What did I do wrong? What did I do to make them see me as a monster? What the hell did I do to make them call me a bitch? What did I do to make them hate me?

"KC.... KC..... KC..... KC" who' s that? Who's calling me?

"KC" he pat my shoulder then I'm back to my senses

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