week three: part two

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A/N: Words cannot express how badly I want to be Louis in this fic. Well, I already relate to his character on multiple levels, but you know what I mean.

I want a beautiful boy to be my Harry :( 


I'm really tired.

I don't know what I think of this chapter, to be honest. I'm sorry if it's shit and awkward and stupid, I just really wanted to get a chapter done for you guys today and I really wanted it to be perfect and I'm such a perfectionist and I don't know what to do with myself or with this chapter and ugh. I'm upset.

Feedback makes me very happy. Comment and tell me whatcha think.

Oh yeah, and I'm obsessed with Bastille, can you tell? Listen to Laughter Lines on the right ;D


Harry is extraordinarily confused, for a number of reasons. The most prominent of these would probably the fact that he's usually really good at figuring out where he stands in relationships, but he legitimately has no idea what this even is. 

Is he on a date? Why'd Zayn give him that pep talk beforehand? Why is Louis not wearing his glasses?

He wants to ask, but maybe that wouldn't be the best idea, judging from what happened the day before at the cafe.

But wow, he really wants this to be a date. He literally wants nothing more in this moment than to take Louis on a date, a real one, where he holds his hand and cuddles with him and gives him that awkward first kiss that everyone has. He wants that.

So now, as they're walking to Harry's car, Harry is burning with questions and wants and nerves. He needs to talk, to get out of his head.

"So Lou, Zayn said you guys have known each other for a long time?" Yeah, it's a stupid question, but Harry's desperate. 

"We've been best mates forever, we've literally done everything together."

Jealousy and resentment curl inside of Harry's stomach. This is his chance, to find out about any history the two of them could've had in the past. His eyebrows nearly shoot off the top of his head. "Erm. Everything, as in, everything?"

At this point, they've already gotten in the car, and Harry has paused in starting the engine, waiting on Louis' answer.

Louis looks at him, eyebrows knitted together in confusion. Then, realization dawns on him, his mouth rounds out into an "o," and his face turns beet red. "Oh my god, no, that's not - no, just no, not at all. That's not my - that's not what I meant."

Harry just nods, trying to hold back the triumphant smirk that's threating to spread across his face, and starts the car, pulling out of the parking lot. His heart is fluttering in his chest. "So, you guys aren't, like, dating?"

Louis shakes his head furiously. "No, never. We're not - we've never been like that." Louis actually looks slightly disgusted at the thought, and Harry's positively gleeful now. Take that, Zayn.

"Oh, okay. Cool."

Louis just presses his lips together and nods, and then after a couple of minutes it's awkward, and this is what Harry was afraid of. 

"So, where to? You're my tour guide for the day, tell me what we're doing."

Louis starts, as if he were in a trance that was broken as soon as Harry spoke. "Right, yeah um take a left here, and then a right at the second traffic light."

"Yes sir," Harry says, turning the steering wheel with one hand as he salutes Louis with the other. Louis giggles. Harry wants to simultaneously laugh, cry, vomit, and explode, because Louis.

this mind is a black hole ~ larry stylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now