week two

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A/N: I feel like this story is going to be a lot of chapters of very different lengths put together. I feel like this one is significantly longer than the other two parts I've put up. I don't know.

I got a ton of new story ideas today and I want to start writing them alllll awoiejfowiejfowiefl. Should I wait until I finish this one or try to do multiple stories simultaneously? Let me know :) 

This chapter is absolutely, positively filled to the brim with smitten Harry. Smitten, sappy, hopeless romantic Harry is my very favorite Harry. 

That's a lie, all different kinds of Harrys are my favorite Harry. 

I'm a mess.

This story is dedicated to a certain someone who doesn't really know I exist. Well, he does, but not in the way I want him to.

Enjoy x


Harry concludes that it's definitely, absolutely fate when Louis walks into the Cafe Lorraine during Harry's shift.

He basically loses his mind and dies inside probably about 1,672 times.

Needless to say, he temporarily forgets how to function and Nick, one of the other baristas on duty, has to elbow him to get him to come back down to earth.

Louis' wearing loose gray sweats and a blue, long-sleeved shirt and he looks really very cuddly and soft and Harry can't handle this. It's one thing to see Louis looking like perfection personified in class; but it's a completely different matter when he's caught off guard. Not okay.

And of course, Louis' also holding his little yellow notepad, and Harry is overcome with this sudden burning desire to know what's written in it.

He adjusts the apron around his waist as Louis walks toward the counter. He's yet to see Harry; he's focused on the menu above Harry's head. Harry takes the opportunity to admire his sharp-cut cheekbones and the strong curve of his jaw.

Harry bites his lip. This is ridiculous.

Then Louis sees him and wow, Harry's well and truly screwed.

His mouth falls open a bit. Harry notices that he clutches the notepad slightly tighter in his right hand. Curious, that.

"Afternoon, Louis. What can I get for you?" Harry says, plastering a grin across his face. He's surprised he can speak coherently. His insides are a mess.

"Uh, hi Harry," Louis says quickly and timidly. "Could I maybe just get a small java chip frap please? No whipped cream."

Harry punches a few keys on the register. "That'll be $3.50."

Louis sets his notepad and phone on the counter as he digs in his pocket for his wallet. Harry's eyes instinctively dart to the yellow paper, and without even thinking about how wrong it really is, he starts trying to read it. He catches the words written at the top of the first page: This Mind is a Black Hole. He furrows his eyebrows in confusion.

Louis quickly snatches the notepad back up again, and hands Harry the money, eyeing him suspiciously, as if he knows that Harry was snooping. So much for nonchalance.

Harry hands the order ticket to Nick, who starts making Louis' drink immediately. He pulls the receipt out of the register and hands it to Louis. "Nick will call your name when it's ready."

"Thanks," Louis mutters, before scurrying away to sit at a small table in the far corner, nearly hidden from Harry's view. Harry watches as he taps something out on his phone, before setting it down and flipping his notepad open and gnawing on the end of his pen. He glances upward and catches Harry's eye, and Harry quickly looks away, cheeks burning with embarrassment at being caught.

this mind is a black hole ~ larry stylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now