When i went inside the boy's bathroom i instantly began mopping fast because i wanted to leave, i can't stand this school. while i was mopping i heard the door open behind me and close. i thought it could be the janitor. no student but me should be here.

"so..are you ready for your goodbye party?" My heart sank to my stomach and i dropped the mop as i slowly turned around to see 5 boys smirking at me. i should have known. i was so terrified i backed up into a corner.

"L-Leave me alone!" i yelled.

"Now now is that how you treat the people who are giving you this party?"

"y-you hate me and you want me to leave this school so why do you keep doing this to me? let me leave in peace!." i yelled and my tormenter walked towards me."we don't want you to leave. we like you." he said in an innocent voice. i picked up the mop and aimed it at him. he only smirked."you think that hurts?" he said and i continue to aim at him. i poked him hard on the stomach and suddenly the guys on the back jumped on me. one of them pushed me on the floor, and another punched me in the stomach. i cuddled myself into a ball to protect myself. "girly-boy!" they yelled as i tried to hold back my tears. i'm such a weakling. i should just die!. they were going to continue to beat me up but the leader(the tormenter) told them to leave.

"why?" they questioned.

"Just do it!! go home! i'll deal with him." the four listened and left and it was only me and him. "what are you going to do to me? j-just hurry up and kill me!" i coughed. he checked if the other boys were gone before he turned to me again.

"now we can play." he said licking his lips.

"what? you want to finish me up alone?" i hissed at the pain in my arm. i remembered the cuts i gave myself. "u huh" he hummed. i thought he was going to attack but he grabbed my body and forced me to sit up. he made me lean on the wall and he carefully fixed my shirt and cleaned the blood off my lip. was he playing with me? is that how weak i am that he would tease me like this?

"just hurry up! i don't want to wait for you to beat me up!" i snapped at him. it was us alone i could attack but my arms hurts like hell, so all i could do is take it one last time."oh? you're persistent." he said caressing my cheeks. he formed his right arm into a fist and aimed at my face. i shut my eyes closed hoping that it won't hurt as much. but what i felt wasn't a punch. what i felt was a pair of lips on mine. i darted my eyes open. why was he kissing me?! i tried to push him off me but my arms hurts a lot and then he pressed on my wounds(my arms) making me moan in pain. he was trying to get inside but when i didn't let him in pinched me hard on my arm and i opened my mouth screaming. he sucked my tongue making me feel dirty and disgusting until i bit his lips hard making him yelp and get off me.

"you little!" he hissed licking his bloody lip. i took this chance to get up and run away. when i left the exit he was already chasing after me. god! just leave me alone!

"Hey! i'm not done with you!" he yelled. "oh yeah? well i'm done with you." i thought as i picked up the pace. i didn't listen i just kept running and tried to find a place to hide. he eventually gave up and i was leaning on the wall wondering where i was. tears warmed my cheeks. "what did i do to deserve this?" i kneeled down sitting on mid air and crying on my knees.

"there you are." i darted my eyes up to see him above me. i instantly tried to run away again but he got me by the shirt dragging me back somewhere. i kicked and screamed but no one helped me. no one ever does. they prefer to stay safe. so i let myself get carried away knowing there's no point fighting back. sometimes you gotta know when to give up.

He slammed me against the wall strangling me. "you fucking bitch! you know how much i ran to find your girly ass?" he let go of me letting me breathe. i coughed while i tried to speak."I'm not a girl you fucking piece of shit! get that in your head!"

" i don't care if you are a boy or not!" He paused for a second" i just didn't like when you would pay attention to that one boy instead of me." he admitted.

"What? what's your obsession with me!? why can't you just leave me alone?" i yelled. he grabbed me from my collar making me stand up from the ground. "my obsession? my obsession is that i like you." he whispered in my ear. "i'm sorry i didn't show it in a better way baby." my knees began to tremble. Some people are twisted if they think that because you torment them that they will love you back. he sniffed my hair and chuckled." you're very pretty." i gulped, i think he lost his mind or is this his true self? he had pinned me on the wall of the alleyway it was really dark and i couldn't escape without him letting me go first. he then started to kiss my neck while i was looking at where to run.

"No! let me go!!" he was only chuckling while he was unbuttoning my shirt. i fought him with my free left hand but he grabbed that one too squeezing the wound. "let me go please" i almost started to cry again. "don't leave the school cutie and i'll make sure you don't get hurt." he mumbled. I kicked him in the knee making him fall backwards. I got my chance and I took it, i ran again this time successfully escaping.

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