Adelina POV

Gracing me with their presence, Emma Brooks, the school headteacher and Alexander Kaiser walked in.

"I see you've woken up, Adelina," Emma said, in an evil manner. What's her problem with me? What did I ever do to her?

"What the fvck do you want with me, Miss Brookes?" I shouted back, with just as much venom in my voice. I honestly hated her. Why, out of all people, was she the head? Becoming completely unaware of Alex' presence, I glared at the heartless witch standing before me.

"Now, now Adelina. No need for your foul language."

"Bullshit, Emma! Tell me why I am here, tied with ropes to a chair in what looks like a basement!"

"I've always loved Dean. But the feeling was never mutual. I couldn't force him to be with me, there wasn't a way. I didn't think he liked anyone until he dated that stupid friend of yours, what's her name? Oh yeah, Elizabeth Prior. The bitch took him away from me. Call me what you want but I followed him. Listened to all their conversations, looking for the right moment to take Elizabeth away from him. That was until I found out he actually liked you," I cut her off with a gasp. Dean liked me?

"So I took the chance and kidnapped you. Alex here helped since he wanted to get his own back on Elizabeth which would be perfect since your her best friend," she continued, cutting herself off with a scoff, "She's probably forgotten about you already."

I could feel tears building up in my eyes. She obviously wasn't speaking the truth, but I couldn't help but believe her.

"So sad. Even if anybody cared, they wouldn't be able to find you here," she went on, talking about how no one cared but I just zoned her out.

I was surprised Alex didn't say anything. He was usually the asshole he is, speaking his mind and making things ten times worse.

My kidnappers left me alone in this room, that looked like the typical one you see in movies.

I wanted to see Dean. Knowing that he liked me back made my heart warm. But I didn't know if I would see him again. If I would ever leave this hell hole I'm in.


Seb Pov

I decided to take Liz to Subway, since it is her favourite restaurant. When Adelina was here, she told me all about Liz, since she knew that I had a crush on her. However, she hid from me that Liz was dating Dean and I found out myself on the day she was kidnapped.

Another thing I knew was that Liz liked Austin and from what it looks like the feeling is mutual. I can't let him take her away from me. I may not have told her this but I love her. And I will do whatever it takes to make sure she is mine.

An awkward silence was forming and I knew I had to say something.

"We don't really know each other so why don't we play 20 questions?" I asked. Upon saying this, Liz smiled a miniature smile, a distance look in her eyes. As if she was remebering something. I wonder what it could be. Was it something to do with Austin? It better not be. That guy needs to stay out of her life or I'll show him what happens when he crosses with Sebastian Fernández.

"Yeah sure. Why ever not?" she replied. I could a hint of sarcasm in her voice. 

"Okay so why above all the places in the world to eat, is Subway your favourite?" 

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