Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

        “What what do you mean I am getting married you are my parents can’t you make the decisions.”

        They look at each other as if I just spoke pig latin.


        “Honeysuckle we are sorry but we cannot.”

        “What do you mean?”

        “Well they are the king and queen they get to make the decisions.”

        “Who cares if they are the king and queen I am your daughter you are in charge of me.”

        “Well if you don’t want to get married then you discuss it with them.”


        I run over to my grandparents and say,

        “Please can I not get married today?”

        “Why Honeysuckle why are you so reluctant to get married?” asks my grandmother.

        “Because I am only thirteen and I don’t want to get married, so young.

        “Oh dear haven’t we gone over this already.”

        “Grandmother please I do not want to get married.”

        “Well I am sorry but it is best that you get married.”

        With that, they went into our tree to fetch something I presume. Then some girl villagers took me away to Oak’s tree. They washed me, did my hair, dressed me, and put makeup on me. When they were done, they ran out of the tree and left me there alone. They conveniently placed me in front of mirror. What I saw was shocking. I had light red lips some black ash was around my eyes making them look like sapphires in ash. My red hair was done in a long braid down my back. My dress was pure silk. It felt amazing to touch. It had long sleeves that went over my hands. The neck was high, but it made me look sophisticated. Then I heard a knock on the door and my mother’s voice.

        “Come in.”

        My mother came and when she saw me, her eyes lit up.

        “Oh you look amazing Honeysuckle.”

        “Thanks mother.”

        She comes up to me and hugs me. There were two chairs nearby and she sat me in one of them.

        “Now Honeysuckle I know you didn’t want to get married, I didn’t want to get married either.”

        “You didn’t.”

        “Yes, I simply hated the idea of being forced to marry someone I didn’t love, but after a few years I fell in love with your father. You might not fall in love with Oak so fast or even at all, but just remember your actions have consequences.”

        “I know that why are you telling me that.”

        “Because when I was your age I fell in love with two people. One was your father but another was a human.”


        “Yes I fell madly in love with him I was very much like you and your father was very much like Oak.”

        “What happened?”

        “Well he moved away and I never saw him again.”

        “Do you still love him?”

        “Sometimes I think of him and remember the feeling of being in love with him, but no I don’t.”

        “What was his name?”


        “What did he look like?”

        “Oh he had gorgeous golden brown hair, green eyes, and he was always a little taller than I was. He also always had his watch on. Well I think everybody is waiting shall we go.”

        “Yeah.” I say shakily.

        “Don’t worry you’ll be fine.”

        That is not why I was worried I was worried because David’s dad might be my mom’s David. We walked out of the tree and everyone was sitting down. Oak was standing next to his parents and my father was standing opposite them. He looked so handsome he was wearing a pure white silk pant and shirt just like my dress My mother went over towards my father and I stood in front of Oak. My grandparents gave each of us a book where we would recite the words that would bind our magic and souls together. Oak starts by saying,

        “Together we will be strong, together we will be invincible with our magic binded.

        “Together we will do right; together we will fight wrong with our magic binded. I say

        “Together we will be one together we will be united with our souls binded.

        Together we will love together we will live with our souls binded.

        In unison we say,

        “Together we will die and together we rise.”

        Then we have to kiss in order to seal the spell. I do not want to kiss him, but Oak starts to lean in closer. I close my eyes and lean forward. Then a something that feels like air goes through me suddenly I am remembering memories that aren’t mine but Oak’s the air continues and I feel stronger and wiser. Then it is over and our lips break apart. There is eruption of applause from the crowd. I look over at my parents and they are smiling proudly my grandparents are proud too. I look over at Oak’s parents and they are clapping and smiling. Then I look at Oak he’s smiling and I can tell he is so happy. I begin to cry for I am also happy. Even though I didn’t want to get married I now feel like I can spend the rest of my life with him.

                Then I kiss him again. I smile at him and I take his hand in mine and raise it showing that we are now one. We start with the celebration and eat and dance eat some more and dance again. The sun is soon setting and the celebration is over. Hand in hand we walk over to are tree we walk inside and it is already furnished. We walk upstairs into the bedroom. There are two beautiful single beds. We look at each other and smile. I get into bed still in my dress. Oak comes over and kisses me on the forehead. I slowly close my eyes and think I can get used to this.

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