Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

When I wake the next morning a cool breeze sweeps through my room. I get up and walk sleepily over to it to close it, but instead I look through it. To my surprise, I see Oak standing outside. He is wearing a blue silk shirt and green silk pants. His golden brown hair doesn't seem to move as the wind sweeps through it. He has blue eyes like mine and fair skin like mine as well. He's my best friend and happens to be my new fiancé.

In Fae culture marriages are arranged and are arranged early in life. Our marriage was arranged two weeks ago. We were in shock when this happened neither of us really wanted to get married to each other. My father chose Oak as my suitor because Oak's father is my father's closest friend. They've known each other for a long time. I've been complaining to my parents about this arranged marriage this whole time. They said they'll do something about it. I hope it's not anything serious. He must have caught me staring at him because he turned to me and said,

"Why my betrothed how are today."

"Don't call me that Oak just call me Honeysuckle please."

"Well I'm trying to make the best of this. This hasn't been easy for me either Honeysuckle."

"I know Oak its hard but can we just pretend nothing's happened until our wedding day. "

"When is our wedding anyway?"

"I don't know I think it's supposed to happen either really soon or in a few years."

"Oh well I must be off now Honeysuckle and your parents are calling you."

The lecture my parents gave was about this their disappointment, how afraid they were, my duties, why to obey their rules, and lastly they said I had to write a 100-word essay about what they said just to make sure I was listening.

When I finished my essay I decide to go down to the creek and scrub off the dried raspberries from my skin and wash my hair. When I finish I put on my clean purple dress. When I decide I look presentable, I go off into the forest to see the boy. The forest looks beautiful to day just as it did yesterday. The moss is nice and cool and not like icy snow. I finally reach the spot.

I look out onto the field to see if I can find the boy. The boy is lying down in the field looking up into the sky. As I stand there, he looks up and spots me he waves and starts walking towards me.

Hi thanks for reading feel free to comment and please check out my profile. Thanks for everyone who reads my works it means alot.

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