Tanner grinned at me. "With this ring I take you as you are, loving who you are now and who you are yet to become. I promise to listen to you and learn from you, to support you and accept your support. I will celebrate your triumphs and mourn your losses as though they were my own. I will love you and have faith in your love for me, through all our years and all that life may bring us." Then he specifically looked down at my stomach and put his hand on it. "I will protect you and our child until the end of time. Never letting either of you down." He slipped the ring onto my finger.

Small tears started to fall from my eyes. His words were very touching and I loved them. "Tanner, you are my best friend. I promise to laugh with you, cry with you, and grow with you. I will love you when we are together and when we are apart. I promise to support your dreams and to respect our differences, and to love you and be by your side through all the days and nights of our lives."I slipped the ring on his finger as well.

The priest smiled at each of us. "Then by the power invested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride."

Tanner lifted my veil. He leaned me down and then kissed me fiercely. A very passionate and loving kiss that took my breath away. As soon as we both were done, people started clapping and cheering. Tanner and I clasped hands and smiled at them happily. I turned around and threw the bouquet behind my head for someone to catch. When I saw who caught it I couldn't help but laugh. Tiffany stood red-faced with the bouquet in hand, her mate Paul stood next to her and cheered.

After that was all over, it was time for the reception. We made our way to a large ballroom kind of thing. Tons of tables and chairs were scattered around. There was a huge buffet table filled with all kinds of food. When no one was looking I snuck myself a few olives.

Tanner appeared next to me and raised his eyebrow. "You can't eat yet, it's time for the first dance!" Before I could protest he grabbed my hand and brought me out to the middle of the floor.

Some music turned on, and it was slow. I felt slightly embarrassed, everyone was watching us. We danced around the ballroom, having a fun time. Eventually more couples joined us and the entire room was filled with dancing.

Tanner spun me around and lifted me high over his head. I squealed, giggling nervously. A few people noticed and let out some laughs themselves. Everyone danced for hours and talked. Here and there I would sneak off to eat some food from the buffet. Whenever I separated from Tanner, people would walk up to me. Congratulating me on my marriage and wishing me a happy and long life.

Eventually it was time to cut the cake. Tanner and I walked up to a gigantic cake that had to be 10 feet tall. It had a lot of layers so that the pieces wouldn't be super tall. I looked at Tanner bewildered, wondering what we were supposed to do with it. I knew for a fact he would want to cut the piece from the very top.

"How are we going to cut it?" I gestured wildly at the massive cake.

"Easy." He motioned to a wheel around staircase that someone has placed next to it.

We climbed the staircase together and stopped at the top. Carefully I cut the cake, getting a piece for both Tanner and myself. When we came back down the ladder we both held the plates in our hands. At once, instead of feeding each other we decided to smash the cake in the others face.

Both of us laughed in unison. Soon enough a large food fight has broken out. Cake was flying everywhere. Tanner and I were back to back pelting cake at everyone. By the time it was over, cake was everywhere. There was still enough cake left though for everyone to have a slice or two.

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