fallen angel? hurt feelings...

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Chapter twenty nine

Kotori's pov:

I opened my eyes, bright light shone in the white room. Am I dead. Am I in heaven...but I never got the chance to say good bye... I reopened my eyes to ease my vision since it was blury. I looked around to find myself in the infirmary.

A small smile formed on my lips as my heart ache stopped. I clapped my hands together and started praying to the god, Thank you kamisama (god) for not taking me, I am grateful for what you have done. I will treasure your generosity forever.

I felt something heavy beside the side of the bed, on the right side of my stomach. I moved my head and my eyes looked downward to see light orange red hair that belonged to a certain red head I know and is fond of.

His head is laying on his arms which are crossed together. He's sitting on a stool, have all the chairs ran out, or was he to lazy to get one, anyway, and his back is crouched down, which isn't good and will hurt him when he straightens his back.

Why is he even here? What happened to me? Why am i in the infirmary? I can't seem to remember much of yesterday, only small details..but why...

I laid back down again, my head throbbing from all those questions and thoughts suddenly appearing in my head. I raised my right arm, not sure if I should do it but I wanted to touch his hair, which I don't know why.

I touched his hair, feeling them move on the palm of my hand so softly, which made my fingers twitch. I started stroking his head, feeling happy that someone is beside me while I don't know what exactly happened last night.

I remember that everyone was having a great time, and that I and most of the bands preformed but when I reach the part where ciel is getting on the stage and he stops in the middle everything darkens and splatters of red show, while ciel wears a wicked smile as I see horrifying creatures emerge out as ghostly hands reach out to me, it's like a nightmare.

I felt more pain rush into my head as I winced. Katsuro moved, shaking a bit but didn't move from his current position.

Katsuro's pov:

My eyes fluttered open, slowly I started moving for sleeping on a stool for a whole night isn't what you call comfortable. I saw light glowing the once dark room I saw last night, daylight must of approached us already.

Feeling a hand stroke my head, made me smile and relax. I wanted to stay like this a bit longer as I felt my eyes droopy, ready to fall a sleep again as if I'm under a spell.

"Oh, you have woken up. Try not to sleep, till you answer my questions." An angelic voice said, as I sighed, sitting up which made my back crack.

"Oh man that hurts!" I said in pain rubbing my back.

"Explain to me, what happened yesterday and why am I in an infirmary?" Kotori said demanding .

"Well how can I put this......this is harder than I thought...but I think it's better if you don't know." I said trying to dodge her question.

"Please, tell me." She said as I looked at her unsure of what to do.

"Kotori, do you know what's an angel" I asked feeling stupid asking her such a dumb question.

"Are you trying to avoid my question?" She asked as I shook my head multiple times as in no.

"Yes, an angel is a devine magical creature who serves the god and protects humans against evil." She said.

The unknown Mystical Angel "*Under Major Editing!*"Where stories live. Discover now