The festivals announcement

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Chapter four

Kotori talking:

I am at school doing a pop quiz in geometry it was the third hour. At last we finished but I think I really aced/got a A, on it.

Then the bell rang, I noticed that Akio was in my class and Honoka and Nico are staring you could also say glaring at him , I saw hearts in their eyes.

Suddenly he looked at me, maybe he thought that I was staring at him again like yesterday, it was recess as we say break time, I got up from my seat and went to the cafeteria

The food they were serving was a piece of steak with mashed potatoes on them gravy beside it some salad also desert it is ice cream.

It is Monday they do most delicious foods on that day, I don't know why. I was siting alone eating my lunch when suddenly Nico popped in front of me.

"Um...Kotori." Nico said in an sad way.

"What do you want." I said in a calm voice.

"Mimi is leaving she's moving out of her house and transferring into a new school." Nico said in an angry yet still sad way.

When she said I just looked at her in a shocked. I got up and went to Mimi in a fast walking way.

I went to the table where she was siting in the cafeteria.

"Can't you stay here with your aunt." I heard Honoka say.

"I can't, they won't let me the sad thing is that I am moving for permanent, I might stay there and never come back!" Mimi said while crying.

"Why are you leaving." I said.

"My father works in a big company since he was a great employee the one that owns the company made him in charge of the other employees. But now he wants my father to travel to his other bosses company which is in another country to take full charge of it." Mimi said.

"Isn't that great for your father, you should be proud of him. And if you go you will meet new friends buy new clothes see new places." Eliayase said trying to cheer her up.

"Even if you leave us we will never forget you and the memories we spent together they will last forever." I said while tears dropping from my eyes.

"No one could ever forget a close friend to our hearts." Rose said smiling to Mimi.

"Who can forget the most silliest girl in our group of friends." Nico said teasing Mimi.

"Thank you very much, your words will stay buried in my heart." Mimi said while hugging each one of us.

"So, when you are leaving." Honoka said sadly.

"Tomorrow , sorry I can't be with you guys at the schools festival." Mimi said.

"The bell is ringing we have to go." I said.

We all were standing in straight lines,waiting to be dismissed. The principal walked up on the stage holding a microphone and said.

Principal talking:

"As you all know we are having a festival in the school grounds. For this occasion we had in mind that any student wants to show his or her talent, we invited three people who will be judging your performances to see who is the best and there will be a grand prize for the winner."

"You can dance, sing, act and moreover.The festival will be this Friday and today is Monday So, for this reason last three periods for these four days will be canceled starting on Tuesday for you to start working on what you will do if you don't want to be on stage you can open games make food in these small houses we are going to put so everyone has to do something it doesn't have to be alone, you can also partner with your friends."

"And before I dismiss you I will announce the student body president and the vise student body president."

"I wonder who will those two be?" Nico said.

"I just hope they won't take advantage of it because they will start giving orders and be in charge of the classes." Eliayase said.

"What a nightmare. Nico said.

"And those two most educated students are for student body president, kotori edugawa, and for vise student body president Akio naoi. Come up you two on the stage and get your badges"

Kotori talking:

I wasn't that surprised because last year I was student body president too. But Akio, this is his first year here at shool idol I hope he's good.

I am on stage with Akio getting my badge from the principal.

"Do anyone of you want to say a word?" The principal asked.

I just shook my head and Akio said no sir.

"Your all dismissed, anyone who doesn't obey the rules will have to deal with the student body president and vise student body president."

Akio then looked at me with a smirk on his face then he came closer to me. "I hope you deserve to be student body president, don't let anyone disobey the rules." He said.

Then he turned around and left while I stared at him leaving.... Why did he say that to me..... I thought deeply.
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Sorry but I mistakened chapter 1 Honoka 's hair is actually orange and chapter 2 and 3 Akio's hair is kinda green blackish.

Forgive me, sorry I was kinda in a hurry...

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