Barbecue : Chapter 21

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Beth's POV

I started to count the gunshots...

"2, 3." I counted until everything went silent.

Where is Jake??? I have to see if he is okay. Slowly, I peeked my head up to see a bloody sight... I couldn't tell if it was Jake's blood or Rhett's.

The wolves were battling... a strong black wolf and a smaller but still strong gray wolf were fighting to the death. I could only hope Jake would win. My eyes met with Jake's piercing green eyes and that's when shit came falling down. Jake ripped Rhett apart and Rhett was quickly on the ground bleeding out.

"Jake!!!" I screamed from the deck.

He ran to me as I felt tears run down my face. All of a sudden, I was lifted up and felt bloody fur against me.

"Are you okay? Is this yours?" I asked concerned.

"Yes, and it isn't mine." Jake replied in the mind link.

Tears of joy and relief fell down my face knowing Rhett was gone... forever. Jake carried me into the building and to our room. Quickly, he shifted back and hopped in the shower.

"Um, hello?" I said.

Rolling my eyes, I grabbed two towels and rushed into the bathroom to also get rid of this bloody mess.

"Welcome to the shower?" Jake said confused when I stepped in.

"Hey, you took it. If you haven't noticed, I am also covered in blood now..." I replied.

He just smiled and washed out his soapy hair as I stole the shampoo.


After showering, I quickly shoved on some clothes and Jake did the same.

"Are you sure you're okay?" I asked him again.

"Yeah, are you?" He asked in return.

"Yes." I said.

"Okay, well I need to check on the pack... are you coming, luna?" Jake asked smirking.

"Of course I will. Anything for the Alpha..." I replied smiling.

"Call me Jake, I like it better because you are an equal to me." He said which made my heart melt.

I gave him a huge grin and he quickly dragged me out of the room. Looking around the building, people were everywhere.

"Alpha, Luna." A couple said as we walked by.

I don't like this treatment... but I guess I'll have to get used to this...

"Are you both alright?" Richard asked.

"Yeah, we're fine. Are you okay?" Jake asked.

"Yeah, the whole pack is gathered here. They were all worried about you two..." Richard replied.

"Oh, and everyone here is okay right?" Jake asked.

"Yes, no one was injured but Rhett." Richard replied.

"But, he is your son too. Why aren't you mad?" I asked but quickly covered my mouth.

Damn, Beth why did you say that???

"Yes, but Jake protected the pack and his mate like a wolf is supposed to do." Richard replied.

"Oh." I said not wanting to say any more.

"So, we going to have the barbecue or wait till tomorrow?" Richard asked.

"Why not?" Jake said.

Richard smirked at Jake as I stood holding Jake's hand tightly.

"You hungry?" Jake asked me as I saw Richard walk away.

"Yeah." I admitted as I felt my stomach hurting.

"Okay, let's get you food." Jake said as he led me out of the building.

The rest of the pack followed us out and started to set up food on some tables. Jake brought me to a grill and started to turn it on.

"Does big bad Alpha need some help?" I asked in a baby voice to Jake.

He rolled his eyes and signalled for me to try.

"There." I said after it fired up.

"Okay, I'm just not going to question your skills with fire... for many reasons." Jake said as he was brought a plate.

He took the plate from a pack members hands and started to place the meat on the grill. As he waited for it to cook, I wandered off to go meet people.

"Luna." A woman said greeting me.

"Hi." I replied casually.

"I'm Denise, Dennis's sister." She said.

"Oh, you look similiar." I said giving her a smile.

"Thanks? I think?" She said quesioningly.

"Yes, it is a complement." I replied chuckling a little from her remark.

"Oh, okay good." She said smiling back.

"Mommy!" A little boy squeaked as he ran over to her.

"Yes?" She questioned her son.

"Is the food almost ready?" He asked in the adorable little way kids ask questions.

"Actually, it's done now." I replied to the child as he looked at me shocked.

"Luna!" He said excitedly.

"Yeah, What's your name?" I asked him.

"Francis." He replied.

"That's a cool name. Do you want to go eat?" I asked him.

"Yes!" He squealed excited.

We walked to the table and fixed ourselves plates. Looking at the selection, I grabbed some barbecue chips, potato salad, and some pasta. If you don't remember, I'm still vegetarian...

"Is that all you got?" A voice asked snaking their arms around my waist.

I didn't have to look at the person to realize it is Jake. Lately, I've been able to recognize his voice and touch easily.

"Yeah, don't you remember?" I asked him.

"Ooooooohhhhhhhhh, yeah." He replied finally realizing.

"Yeah." I said smiling at his behavior.

We walked to a table and Richard quickly made a toast. It wasn't too fancy but it basically said congrats to the new Alpha and Luna.

After everyone finished eating, music came on. I quickly popped up and dragged Jake to a tree nearby. He quickly realized what I was doing and followed suit. He started swaying back and forth.

"Luna?" I heard Francis say.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Can you dance with me?" He asked.

"Yes, of course!" I replied quickly.

As Francis and I danced I overheard Dennis say something.

"Dude, Francis is stealing your mate!" Dennis said laughing at the sight.

"Oh shut up!" Jake replied frowning at him.

After the song ended, I met back up with Jake.

"Oh, you came back? I'm surprised... Francis is a real catch who knows how to get the ladies..." Dennis said from behind us.

I grinned at Dennis's remark but grabbed Jake's hand.

"I love you." I said to him.

"I love you too." Jake replied as I laid my head on his chest.

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