Package Delivery : Chapter 4

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Beth's POV

I woke up next to my husband and smiled at the new relationship name. I put my hand on his bare chest and snuggled beside him waiting for him to wake.

After falling asleep against his chest, I woke up to Jake waiting for me to wake.

"Morning, Baby." Jake said as he leaned over and gave me a kiss.

"Morning, Babe." I say smiling at him.

We laid in bed for a while and I figured I would ask to see if my speculations were right.

"Did Anna and Brett set this up last night?" I ask him. (Brett is Jake's best man.)

"Well, some of it." He said smiling as he traced my jawline.

I smiled at him and then got out of bed. Walking downstairs, I saw Anna, Jessie, and Brett making breakfast.

"Well, hello?" I say to them wondering how they got in.

"Hey, by the way, Jake set this up." Anna said as she gave me a plate.

"Thanks." I say as I feel Jake's arms go around my waist.

I turned my head and gave him a kiss.

"Yeah, I was going to bring you down here and show you my other surprise but you were too fast." Jake said which made me blush.

"Oops." I say smiling at him.

He smiles at me and I sit down to eat my food. Before I sat down, Jake stole my chair.

"Hey!" I said.

He smiled at me and I just sat on his lap and started to eat my food. As I was eating, Anna, Brett, and Jessie came and sat down.

"Wow, I'm trying to eat." Jessie says joking with us.

I rolled my eyes at her and kept eating. After eating, Anna took my plate. Still sitting on Jake's lap, I went to get up but Jake pulled me back down with his arms around my waist.

"KIDNAP!" I yell as loud as possible.

Anna, Jessie, and Brett look at me terrified.

"Dammit! You scared me!" Jessie yelled.

"Sorry." I say like an innocent child.

Then they go back to cleaning the kitchen as I give Jake a playful glare.

"You got me in trouble!" I said to him.

Jake smiled and rolled his eyes at me. Smiling at him, I shoved my face in his neck.

"We leave for our honeymoon tomorrow." Jake said.

Still having my face on his neck, I smiled into his neck.

"I'm ready now." I say into his neck.

"Me too." Jake says pulling me into his chest tighter.

Lifting my head, I kissed Jake.

"Okay, well we're leaving." Anna said.

"Okay, thanks for everything!" I said.

They smiled at me and left out the front door.

"We're alone now." I say smiling.

"Yes, we are." Jake responds smiling.

He pulled me into a kiss and got out of the chair with me in his arms.

"I love you." I say after I pulled away.

"I love you too!" Jake said as he sat me on the couch.

He sat beside me and I took the remote before he could.

"Tsk tsk tsk. Mine." I say as I turn the TV on.

Jake rolled his eyes at me and smiled. Looking for a channel, I decide on watching a movie. I cuddled up next to Jake and laid my head on his lap. As the movie was playing, I heard a knock at the door.

"I got it."I said getting up and walking to the door.

Opening the door, I saw someone who was delivering a package.

"Wow, you're beautiful." He said.

"Thanks." I say taking the package.

When I took the package, he grabbed my right hand.

"Can you not?" I say.

Jake looked at me but couldn't see who it was.

"I can get you another package if you know what I mean." The man said pulling my hand.

Jake ran over and pulled me back.

"Get the hell out of here before I kick your ass!" Jake yelled at him as he shoved me in his chest.

"No, she clearly doesn't like you." The man says.

"Look at this!" I say pointing to my wedding ring.

"Yeah, does it look like I don't like him?" I say to him angrily.

"He probably forced you." He said.

I was furious at his response and actions.

"Come with me, princess. I will treat you right." He said.

I walked over to him and Jake gave me a look. Before I completely got over to him, Jake pulled me back holding me tightly.

"Baby, let go. It's fine." I say to him with a look.

Jake let go and I walk over to the delivery man.

"I told you she wants me." He said smirking at me.

I looked at him and wiped that smirk out of his face by smacking him.

"Hey, baby. No need to be rough." He said still smirking.

I looked back and saw Jake smiling because he knew what I was doing next. Taking my hands, I put them on his shoulders.

"Come on, lets-" He said before I cut him off by connecting my knee with his groin.

I had pushed him into my knee with my hands on his shoulders. Then I pushed him back making him fall on the concrete.

"Aghhhhhhh!!!" He yelled in pain.

"Don't mess with an officer!" I yell as I slam the door on him.

Jake smiles at me and I smile back innocently.

"That was so attractive." Jake said to me.

"Oh, I know." I said smiling as I sat back on the couch and continued to watch my movie.

Jake lies beside me and I set my head on his chest.

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