Chapter 3

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<Jo's POV>

Art went by pretty fast. Basically Mr. Wright set me at the farthest table back and for all of class we just said there drawing whatever we wanted. I decided just to draw a Totoro in the rain.

Eventually the class ended. I shoved my drawing into my bag as quickly as I could and practically ran towards the lockers where I was supposed to meet Dan. I stood there bouncing on my heels until I saw him appear in the giant sea of students. He waved and I almost did back but then realized I couldn't because my bracelets would slide and he would find out and he'd call me a freak and he's hate me and he'd tell everyone and they'd all make fun of me and everything would be just the same as last time. So I just smiled.

"Hey Josiphina, you ready to meet my friends" Dan said, pushing his fringe out of his face.

" yeah, let's go" as we walked people glared at us and snickered and muttered things like 'emos' 'faggot' 'freak' and even 'demon worshipers', I looked down and sped up my pace a bit, but Dan acted as if we were the only to people in the world. Smiling and walking happily to the courtyard.

"There they are" Dan said pointing to a giant oak tree in the middle of courtyard. Under it were three boys: one, with black hair and a fringe kind of like dans, one with curly brown hair, and one with brown hair that was swept lightly to the side.

"Hi guys" Dan said. the curly haired one looked up from his book, and the others waved from their argument, which I can really tell is about.

" hey Dan" curly said, as he tucked his book away in his bag. Dan sat down next to him and patted the ground, motioning for me to sit.

"Who's this" he waved at me with a grin and I mouthed a 'hello' back.

" oh, this is Josiphina, we have English together, she's new and so I thought we could invite her to hang with us." Dan said, pushing his fringe away from his eyes again.

"Hi, Pj Liguori, nice to meet you" he held out his hand, which I shook with my bracelet less arm.

"Over there are Phil and Chris" he said pointing begin himself.

"Guys" Pj called, getting the two to look up.

"Stop arguing and introduce yourselves" the one with black hair walked over to me and sat down.

" hi, I'm Phil" he said, his bright blue eyes looking right into mine. I smiled back.

"I'm Josiphina, but I go by Jo" I smiled.

"Well then, hi Jo, I'm Chris" the last one waved at me from his spot on the green.

Through lunch period, they told me about the town and school, which teacher is best when you get on their good side, what the best restaurant in town is. And then they pointed out the groups.

"Over there are the jocks and cheerleaders " Phil pointed at a few picnic tables over to the left of where we were sitting, there were boys wearing football jerseys and practicing passes while they ate.

"Their basically the most popular kids in the school." He explained. He then pointed out the nerds, and the musicians, and the stoners, and a few other groups, each one sitting in their own designated spot of the yard.

"So what group are you guys in?" I asked, looking at Dan.

"We are the individuals but to everyone else we are the 'freaks' " he said, placing air quotes around the word freaks. I nodded my head.

"Why?" I asked, Chris shrugged.

"I don't know, I guess we just didn't fit in anywhere else and to them being different is weird, so I guess they just decided we were like the rejects or something" he muttered, taking another bite of his apple. I leaned back slowly.

" oh" I whispered, barely audible, a silence to over, but didn't last long, as Phil spoke up, asking dans help on his geometry homework.

Soon enough lunch period was over and it was back to class. I searched frantically through my bag an pulled out the crumpled schedule. I didn't even realize Chris looking over my shoulder.

"Oh you have the same as me, come on ill how you the way." He took my hand and pulled me into the building, waving to the others as we rushed to class. History went by surprisingly fast, probably because I spent the whole time doodling in my notebook, while the teacher, mrs. Lancaster, went on about a war I learned about in year five.

Chris pointed me into the direction oft next and final class of the day, and then walked the opposite direction. I followed the route he had told me and was surprised to see, in the back corner if the room, Phil and pj sitting together talking.

"Jo! Hey, come sit over here, Mrs. Joan doesn't care where we sit." Phil called, motioning me towards the empty seat at their table. The class was actually pretty fun, considering it was geometry.

Then in the middle of mrs Joan's fascinating and wonderful speech on factoring (yawn) the bell rang, and everyone jumped out of their seats, running towards the door. Mrs. Joan just rolled her eyes, and slunk down into her chair.

"Hey Jo, do you need a ride home, Dan and I can take on our way."Phil asked, I smiled but shook my head.

"No thanks I not live about two streets away, I'll just walk, but thanks." I said, Phil just nodded. We all waved our goodbyes and as soon as we were out of the building we took our separate ways.

I looked around as I made my way to my new home. The wind blowing slightly, making me pull my jumper a bit tighter around my body, younger children playing in the nearby park, and elder couple dancing on their front deck. This town really is lovely I thought to myself, grinning but stopped immediately when I arrived at my new front door, I could smell the liquor from out here and hear the smashing of objects inside, great, I sighed, he's drunk, and mums not home. I put my key in the door and turned it

Welcome back to hell

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