The New Girl ( a dansinotonfire fanfiction)

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<Jo's POV>



Thats how I woke up, I rolled over to look at my clock, great, we have lived here for 17 hours and they were already fighting. I groaned as I sat up in my new bed and walked over to the door. From the way it sounded they were in the lounge. I tried quietly walking downstairs without them knowing I was awake, I was almost to the kitchen when they spotted me.

"JOSIPHINA, WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING!", my step-fathers voice boomed.

"j-just getting some breakfast" I stuttered softly

"AND WHO SAYS YOU CAN HAVE BREAKFAST!" he yelled, my mother smiled at me,

"Henry, LEAVE HER ALONE" she snapped at him" then she turned to me softly.

"Good morning Jo, did you sleep well in you new room." She said putting her arm around me. This is why I loved my mom. She was always so nice and protected me from my step-father, I don't understand why she ever married him.

"Good, thanks for asking" I replied. She looked down at her watch.

"Oh goodness, i'll make you breakfast, you go get ready, if we don't hurry you're going to be late for your first day at school." She said kissing my cheek and walking into the kitchen. I headed quickly to the stairwell, but he beat me to it.

"You better be glad your mom was here to protect you, but one day, she won't be" he said grabbing my pajama shirt and pulling me close. He threw me to the ground and then walked away. I ran quickly up to my room and closed the door quietly, Henry hated when I slammed the door. I turned the lock and then ran to my dresser, I searched through my drawers until I found it. The silver shined as I held it up. I looked both ways, as if someone was in there, and ran the sharp object over my skin, not too deep, but just enough to feel it. I watched as the red dripped slowly against my pale skin. I heard someone coming up the stairs, quickly I put the blade back into its place and wiped the blood away from my wrist with a tissue.

"Jo, breakfast is almost ready, are you dressed?", My mothers kind voice said through the door.

"Almost, i'll be down in just a minute." I called back. I heard her go back downstairs and started looking through my clothes. I decided on my black skinny jeans, black converse, and my Panic! At The Disco shirt. I quickly got dressed and put my bracelets on, they stuck to my still bleeding wrist but atleast nobody could see it. I took my phone off of the chrarger and placed it into my back pocket. Grabbing my bookbag I openned my door and headed to the bathroom. In there I brushed my teeth and straightened my hair. I finished that and walked downstairs and into the kitchen, there my mom was standing there with a paper bag in one hand, and a paper plate in the other, the plate had waffles with nutella on it. My favorite.

"Come on sweetie, we're late, you're going to have to eat in the car, okay." She handed me the plate. I took it and started towards the door. We clombed into our car and started to my new high school, before I could even take two bites we were parked in the parking lot of Manchester High School.

"Oh yeah," mum said.

"I forgot we only lived down the road from the school." She laughed. I smiled at her and stepped out of the car. I grabbed my bookbag and lunch and closed the door.

"Have a nice first day, i'll see you tonight, by sweetie" She waved

"bye mom." I waved as the car drove away.

I turned and faced my new school, taking a deep breathe I stepped into the building.

Hey guys, new story, YAY. sorry it's short, but I am already writing the second chapter and

so. BYEE-

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