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Minji's POV

Buzzz Buzz~

I put the necklace back on the nightstand. Before picking up my phone like I originally planned to in the first place.

I then smiled when I saw who was calling me. And answered.

"Minhyuk!" I say happily.

"Minji! How is my favorite chingu doing?" Minhyuk asked and my smiling went away.

Favorite chingu?....I know what that means.

"What do you want Minhyuk?" I asked blandly.

"Nothing. Why would you say that?" He asked in a suspicious tone. And I giggled.

He only refers to me as his best or favorite friend when he wants something from me. Or needs me to do something for him.

"Because I know you like the back of my hand. Now spit it out pup" I said knowing he hated the dog referring nickname.

And he sighed

"Fine. Since we're calling each other names now. I guess I'll tell you. I left clothes in the washer machine at home and my mom asked me to hang them up before I left..."

"Let me guess. You didn't do it"

"Bingo. And that's where you come in. It's a simple task I just that you can handle doing it" Minhyuk said teasingly. And I scoffed.

"Me handle it? Your the one that forgot you lazy pup"

"Yah! Stop calling me that or else I'll-"

"You'll do what?" I asked bodly.


"Breakfast is ready Minji!" My omma called.

"I gotta go. Think that blackmail over before you call again. Annyeong!" I said. And before he could respond. I hung the phone up.

"When will he learn?" I asked myself before swinging my feet off of the bed and sliding them into my slippers.

I then chuckled again at the thought of my recent conversation with my best friend.

Since you guys don't know this. I'll tell you.

When it comes to blackmail. I'm your girl. Minhyuk and I have had many situations when he tested my abilities to manipulate. And just like you thought, he caught the wrong end of that stick

Every time.

I walk down the steps and towards the kitchen. As my nose guided me to the sweet smelling pancakes that my omma prepared.

And as soon as I walk into the kitchen. My eyes went straight to Baekhyun. Who was sitting on the floor a couple feet from the table. And I rolled my eyes.

For some odd reason. He chooses to sit away from us while we eat our meals. And my mom forces me to bring the food to him.

"You still haven't taught him to sit at the table yet?" I asked my mom as I pulled my chair out and sat down.

"I tried. But he doesn't listen"

"Oh so nothings changed" I said sarcastically. And that's when my omma slammed her silverware down.

"Yah. He doesn't know any better. The least you can do is help him. I mean look at him. He just sits there and watches us eat. It makes me feel bad" My omma said.

I turned to look at him. And he was doing what he always does.

Stare at me.

"You know the drill. Bring him the plate" my omma said pointing to the stack of pancakes next to me.

"But omma-"

"Now" she says sternly. And I grabbed the plate before dragging myself over to him. I then placed the plate in front of him quickly. Before walking back to my seat. Not sparing him a second look.

"Thank you" my omma said and I just nodded my head silently.

I then tried to resume eating as usual. But I couldn't because I felt eyes on me. And I knew exactly who they belonged too.

And I was tired of it.

"Will you stop staring at me!? It's getting annoying." I said looking at Baekhyun.

He then looked away from me quickly and too his plate.

"Minji" my omma called.

"No omma. He keeps looking at me. If he stares any longer. Pretty soon there's going to be a hole in my face" I said looking at her.

"Go finish your breakfast in your room" my omma said. And I became wide eyed.

"Why? I'm not the one who kee-"

"Go!" She yelled.

And I scooted my chair back before grabbing my plate. I then started to walk out of the kitchen. But not before looking at Baekhyun.

And he had his head down still.

The average person should feel bad. But I'm obviously not average. Staring is a pet peeve of mine. And I absolutely hate it.

I walked into my room and slammed my door shut. Before placing the plate on my bed and lying next to it.

I'm really starting not to like Baekhyun...


"Minji......Minji wake up"

I open my eyes to a dim room. And someone calling my name. I then sat up and realized the voice belonged to my mother.

"How long was I asleep for?" I asked.

"A while, I didn't want to disturb you earlier because you looked to be sleeping well" my omma said.

"Disturb me? For what?" I asked.

"This. Baekhyun come in here" she called. And I blew out a breathe in annoyance.

Not him again...

"Look. Did I do well?" My omma asked. And once I looked up at Baekhyun. I became somewhat speechless.

He looked.....amazing.

His hair was no longer disheveled. And he looked clean. I guess my omma went out and bought clothes for him. Because he didn't have on those nasty jeans.

"What do you think?" My omma asked.

And I paused.

Baekhyun wasn't looking at me. And was only looking at my omma and other objects in the room. I didn't know that he was going to take what I said so literal.

Baekhyun's POV

"What do you think?" Madame Lee asked. And my heart dropped as I waited for the answer.

Within this short period of time of me being here. I've managed to make a girl that I find attractive. Hate me.

But what did I do wrong?

This all seems so surreal to me. Especially since I'm faking the way I am.

Minji and Madame Lee don't know what I am. Or what happened to me. Not even where I came from. And I want to keep it like that.

Getting close to them would only end up in heartbreak. That's why I play the silent role. Not speaking will make things easier.

I just need somewhere to be until I can think about what to do next. Or where to go. But I have to keep running. So they won't find me.

My mind drifted as I waited for Minji's response.

"I think he looks.....great."

Minji said surprising me.

Since she doesn't particularly like me. This was a shocker.

I then finally looked over to her. Disobeying her previous rule. And she happened to be the one staring at me.

Oh how the tables have turned...

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