Chapter 11 ~ There She Is!

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Anabelle P.O.V

My eyes fluttered open as I felt soft tapping on my shoulder. The pain came in a large rush, and I could tell I was immobile.

Rope around my mouth fell off. My mouth still hung open, and I was unable to close it.

A chill ran down my spine, and my eyes wanted to close again, to drift into a painless sleep.

"Anabelle, I'm going to help you get out of here... Just hold on." I heard a girl voice say, barely a whisper. I could feel the rope slacken against my wrists, and then completely disappear.

My arms fell down with a hard slap on my legs. I wanted to scream out the hurt, because not only did it make my carved leg worse, it shot shock through my nerves, around my body, and made my hands with gaping holes trickle blood all over me. Even if I already had a ton of blood down my legs, the new blood didn't feel pleasant. The warm, sticky, gooey, crusty blood. Everything on and in my my skin burned with the sensation of fire, yet I felt so cold.

"Gees, what has she done to you?"

I couldn't answer. I was afraid that if I had tried to use my voice, then the most horrendous scream would come out of my vocal chords.

The person grabbed the knife in my shoulder and clavicle... My face contorted into more of a grimace... If that even was possible. My mouth could close all the sudden, and I used it to clench my teeth together.

"Hold on, this is gonna hurt. One...Two... Three!"

She ripped both knives out of me, and set them on the table. You could see the blood dripping on both. The red hot blood.

I looked down, and it seemed that Miss Valline hadn't realized when I passed out, because there were two more knives in me, one being in my leg, the other going through my right foot.

The girl grabbed the knife in my leg and said, "One... Two... Three!"

More blood rushed down my leg, and I bit my lip to hold my screams in. She set it on the table, blood dripping from it. My eyes widened. It was my blood.

"Last one... Ready? One... Two... Three!" Tears fell down my face as I sucked on my cheeks.

I couldn't see anything other than blurry blobs, and my head felt as though it would split open.

She untied the rest of my body, and I fell, catching myself with my hands. I thought the pain couldn't get worse. I was wrong, of course. I took a sharp intake of breath, and tried to stand up. I fell. My whole body shuddered, and I couldn't control it.

The girl helped me, and supported me to sit up against the wall. My back burned, but the cool of the wall relieved some of the unbearable pain.

My eyesight began to clear, and I realized that it was Abby who had taken me down.
"Phew, that was a lot of work."

"A-Abby?" I mumbled most likely unintelligibly. My eyes stung with tears, and I just felt like sleeping.

"Shh, don't talk... Now, I wonder if I'm allowed to do this..."

She pulled out a black, wooden stick. Realizing what it was, I flinched, because of what happened when Miss Valline had touched me with her wand.

"I'm not gonna hurt you, okay? Maybe I could heal you up a bit... I heard that if there is an of age wizard or witch is in the same household as someone with a trace, and the person with a trace performs magic, they don't get caught, because the trace isn't completely accurate."

She muttered a few spells, and nothing happened. Abby furrowed her eyebrows, and something seemed to dawn on her.

"She must've put a spell on you to make it impossible to heal that with magic." She then said, disbelief evident on her face.

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