Chapter 4 ~ Sorting and such boring speeches

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Someday over the rainbow, way up high. Wait, is it somewhere or someday? I like someday better so, now it's someday.

Anyways, the lady person, with blackish, gray hair, some spectacles, green robes, a green hat, and had a stern look on her face stood in front of us.

"Hello, and welcome to Hogwarts. I am Professor McGonagall, Deputy Headmistress. You will be sorted by houses. Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Slytherin, and Ravenclaw. Whatever house you're sorted in will be your family."

Family, nice. Maybe this family won't reject me.

She continued with her long, boring speech. I spaced out, and tried to get myself back.


Nope, not happening, but wait, all is silent now.

"Trevor!.... Sorry."

Professor McGonagall was giving him a look. Of sternness. She continued blabbing on, so I continued to space out. I'm sure someone will fill me in, eventually. Maybe not.

It's my life, it's now or never, 'cause I ain't gonna live forever- Ooh. The doors are opening. We all stood, in a line, waiting for something.

What were we waiting for? Well, anyways, people were amazed again because, I'll be damned, the ceiling is reflecting the night sky. There were candles floating about too.

There were five tables. One was a head table, where adults sat, and the other four were where students sat. Must be the four houses she was talking about. They had a different set of colors to each of them too.

There is an old, raggedy hat just sitting there, on a stool. Everyone seemed really nervous around me. Cool. Why? The hat sang a song, I tuned out, 'cause there was too much to see, and not hear.



"You're first, now come up here."

I walked up to the stool with Midnight on my shoulder.

"What am I supposed to do?"

"Did you listen at all?"

"Little parts here and there."

People were laughing at me. The teachers gave me the 'are you serious' looks, well, all but one. A black, greasy haired one had a blank, almost surprised expression etched on his face, but, as soon as he saw me looking at him, his face turned malicious. Ha-ha malicious sounds so weird. It sounds like delicious. The delicious malicious look. Oh my goodness that is just, no. Stop thinking nonsense Anabelle.

"Well, all of you who have not listened, will watch what Miss Anabelle here will do.... Now, sit on the stool, and put the hat on your head. Simple as that.... Go on then!"

I did as I was told. The hat was way too big on me, and went over my eyes. What if someone had lice in this, eww.

"Why hello Miss Anabelle." A voice echoed through my head.
"Why hello Mr. Talking hat."

"Haven't quite for that reaction yet, but you do seem to be a strange one."

"Well, what are you supposed to be doing? Checking out my super magical skills, or my amazingly perfect knowledge of Wizardry?"

"Sarcastic too."

"I'm confused."

"Definitely not a Ravenclaw."

"That was rude."

"Oh, I see that you lied to your friends. You're also not going to be a good Hufflepuff."

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