
As we all wait in the waiting room for her surgery to be complete, I can't help but to think about what Dr. Glenn said 'She might not remember a few things or people....' Will she forget me? All of our special moments? Stop it Grayson! She won't forget you, she can't. Then another question pops up in my head. What is she thinking right now? What's going on in her pretty little head? I need to just chill out and stop thinking,

Goddd I can not wait to have her back! I just want to hear her voice as she tells me how she feels while I hold her in my arms, never wanting to let go.


One hour later...

Dr. Glenn walks out with a smile on his face and we all stand up ready for what he has to say. He saids,"Good news, she's up but she's a little tired." I quickly turn to her parents with a big smile on my face saying,"Can I see her first? Please?" They laugh and say,"Sure Grayson, you can go ahead." I sprint pass Dr. Glenn and burst through her door sighing in relief and smiling wildly.

I slowly walk towards her and notice her eyes are closed so I say,"Nelly?" She opens her eyes slowly and look towards me and her eyes immediately light up with excitement. She saids hoarsely,"Grayson!"' I jog over to her and once my eyes land on her, I let a small tear fall from my eye and I lean down and touch the side of her face with my right hand saying,"Hey baby girl..." She saids,"Hey Gray... I missed you." I look into her beautiful brown eyes and say,"I think I missed you more princess."

My gaze moves to her lips and I slowly lean in while cupping her cheek in my hand. I stop to where my lips are only a centimeter away from hers and say,"You came back to me my love." Then I brush my lips against hers softly and moan at the electricity and she pulls my face in deeper, causing me to swirl my tongue across her bottom lip and bit down on it, pulling away slowly. She moans lowly and say,"I would never leave you baby, we're in this thang together forever right?"

I slightly chuckle with a toothy grin and say,"That's right princess, now come here." She giggles as I shower her with kisses all over her face. She grabs my head, stoping the kisses and starts kissing me all over my face, causing me to blush. She finishes kissing me and I say teasingly,"Aww man are you done showering me with diamonds?." She chuckles and say,"I'll give you more if you lay with me." I smile and say, while getting into the bed with her,"You don't have to tell me twice."

I lay on my side next to her and stare at her as she stares off into space, and I stroke her cheek with my right hand and turn her face so that she's looking at me. I want to hear her voice some more so I say,"Tell me something beautiful, what's on your mind?" She sighs and say,"I heard what you said last night, about your family being in the mafia.." I sigh inwardly and say,"And? What do you think?" Silence. I scrunch my eyebrows together and grow worried. I say,"Say something baby girl... Please?"

She sighs and say,"Well first off, I don't want you to be apart of that Gray, I really don't, I'm sorry." I peck her cheek and say,"It's fine princess." She nods and continue,"I just have a few questions, like do y'all have any enemies? Or where are y'all located? Or-" I say, while stroking her arm,"Woah slow down princess, I'll just tell you all I know okay? Well to answer your first two questions, no we don't have any enemies because the Finelli family mafia does not just go around killing people, that's only if we need to. Finelli is my mother's maiden name, and we are in Florence, Capri, and Venice Italy. My uncle Guvaini, whose the head of our family mafia, is.... Hmm how do I say it.... The most powerful man in Italy, he has connections everywhere, and on top of that he makes good money so he gives us all money every month, like two thousand even though we tell him countless times that we don't need it. Our family has this huge estate that we go to when ever and it's very well protected. Very. No one unknown gets in or out unless they go through security five times. Lastly I started training with guns and knives when I was five, that's also how I learned how to fight. So my uncle basically expects for me to be in the mafia, and although it sounds kinda fun, I actually don't wanna do it. It's been hard for me to tell him though, because I'm his 'favorite nephew'. I didn't tell you in the beginning because I was afraid that you would leave me. I'm sorry princess."

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