The kids stepped out of the Mojang Training Center and looked around.

There weren't as many monsters anymore, but there were still some. Seto lived farther down the street, but they couldn't see him from where they were.

"Let's go!" Adam whispered. "Try not to let any mobs see you!"

"Then what did we get the weapons for?" Jerome mumbled. Mitch punched him in the shoulder.

The ten kids crept down the sidewalk. The monsters that were on the street were either roaming around or going towards Main Street. None of them seemed to notice the kids.

Except one.

A Zombie had been wandering around near a building across the street. Ty noticed that even though it didn't have a helmet, it wasn't burning in the sunlight.

The Zombie spotted them and ambled its way over to them. The kids had plenty of time to prepare themselves, since it was so slow.

As the Zombie came closer, Ty noticed something else odd about it. It had glowing red eyes.

Ty supposed that all the monsters had red eyes. That probably meant something. He just didn't know what.

"I got this one, guys," Adam said. He had his gold sword out and ready. The other kids stepped back.

When the Zombie was close enough, Adam swung his gold sword at it. It collided with the Zombie's midsection, and it was thrown back a few blocks. But, it wasn't dead, and kept coming.

Adam did it again. And again. Finally, on his fourth time hitting it, the Zombie died.

"OP!" Pat yelled.

"Nice one," Jason said.

"I've never killed a monster in my entire life," Adam said. "Until now. And it felt good."

The kids laughed, and continued to where Seto lived.

They didn't encounter any more monsters until they reached Seto's bus stop. Seto wasn't there, but there were a few Spiders.

The Spiders noticed the kids and started scurrying towards them. There were three of them.

"I thought Spiders only attacked at night?" Jen asked.

"These ones are different," Jordan yelled. One of the Spiders was going for him, one was going for Mitch, and the last one was going for Ty.

Ty readied his iron sword. The Spider leapt at him, and Ty swung. He wasn't expecting the sword to be as heavy as it was, and he was too slow to hit the Spider.

The Spider knocked Ty down and tried biting him. Ty had leather armor on, so the bite didn't go through.

"Get off!" Ty yelled. He tried pushing the Spider off him, but it kept trying to bite him.

Finally, someone pushed it off him and stabbed it in the gut. It was Adam.

Adam held his hand out. Ty took it, and Adam pulled him to his feet.

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