Chapter 6

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Princess, don't get me wrong but a mother like you should realize opportunities like this! There's a bunch of high energy race dogs, they'll be overly excited to see some pups! And our puppies can learn about racing, and their future from dogs who live it everyday," Bear whispered.

"I don't now Bear, I mean what if they hurt one of my puppies, or my puppies start misbehaving because of something they taught?" Princess mumbled.

"Look m'lady, I've known you for longer than I can even remember, and I'd hate to see you miss something like this, though when it comes down to it all I can say is words, the choice is yours," Bear sighed.

"Alright Bear, I'll do I t just for you! But if my babies get hurt... well that speaks for itself," Princess mumbled.

Storm yawned, he'd been listening to Princess and Bear's conversation, and was excited to see the pups, Storm barely remembered his own mother, and had never seen what pups looked like. Bear studied Storm's movements for a second, as if to judge if he was worthy to see the pups. Princess watched him too, with much more concern in her eye, though Storm guessed it came naturally if you were the mother of pups.

"When's food time?" He asked, yawning.

"As soon as the rest of you kennel dogs get up," Princess hissed.

The brown greyhound lifted her head, as if making it clear that she was in a higher rank, and left, Bear trailing her behind. Storm shook his head, he would never understand the ways of the house dogs. Storm looked around the yard, he noticed the cages had gold plates bolted into them. He walked to the farthest one from the house. Eyes On The Prize, he went to the next Thunder In The Meadow, Flying Colors, The Lights Go Out, and finally at the closest on to the house was Chasing The Storm. The cages were wire on the sides, but had a metal roof and floor, they were also all padded with soft cushions that were sewn to the bottom. On one side of the cage it veered out, and had bowls bolted in to it. The only dogs sleeping in their cages were Fly and Thunder. Storm walked inside the house, he walked into the kitchen. Bear and Princess were discussing matters that Storm didn't care about. Storm's trainer was watching tv with a woman, who Storm guessed was the child's mother. The man looked at Storm and patted the place next to him. Storm guessed it was an invitation onto the couch. He hoped up and sat beside the man, though Storm still despised the man for ending Rocky's life, he had to admit, this was pretty good. Footsteps echoed down the hall, the little girl rounded the corner, with a smile on her face she sat on Storm's other side, and began to pet him. Soon all the other greyhounds were groggily watching tv on the couch, though Storm was the only dog with two people on each side of him. The man eventually got up, and beaconed for all the dogs to follow. He placed 1 cup of food in each of the dog's cages, when they went in he shut the door. Storm was outraged, he was trapped in the cell, whilst Princess and Bear mockingly smirked, free outside. The man yelled something from inside the house, when he came out he had a puppy in each hand, along with the child's mother and the child. On puppy, who Storm guessed was the oldest, ambled after them. He let all the puppies go, Storm found he had 3 puppies pawing at him from outside the cage.

"Hey who are you?" The bravest one barked.

"Well my name is Chasing The Storm, but you can call me Storm, I'm a racing dog, what about you three?" Storm asked.

"I'm Winter, but my future racing name is Winter Is Coming!! I can't believe I get to meet a real racing dog! Tell us some stories please Storm!" The oldest pleaded.

"I'm Brand The Steed! But just call me Bran, Brand is stupid!" The second oldest smiled.

"I'm Tuck Away The Problems, but call me Tuck!" The last one barked.

"Stores now please!" They all pleaded.

"Alright, alright! I'll tell you about my friend Rocky, he was one of the fastest dogs on the old team. He was a great dog too, so anyways, picture a rainy night, the track is silent, everyone waiting for the door to open so they can run. The man yells go! Then Rocky begins his race! Every dog is running, there's an angry white and black greyhound on his side, and a grey scared one on his other side. So Rocky thinks he's got it good, and he does! He's nearing the finish line, but he slipped, and fell, he tumbled all the way across the finish line and got first place! But all the dog teased him and made fun of him, though he would have won if he didn't slip too, so the man comes up and feeds him 2 whole pieces of bacon! That shut the other dogs up!" Storm barked.

"Wow! Was Rocky fast?" Bran gasped.

"Oh yea! He was faster than lightning!" Storm barked.

The man approached Storm's crate, he studied Storm for a second, and decided he wasn't aggressive, he opened the crate door, letting Storm meet the puppies. Bran was the first to jump at his face, although Storm wasn't fond of it he dealt with the overly excited puppy. Since he was the first dog out he had attracted the attention of all the other puppies too. They all crowded Storm's face, and licked him. The man let out Fly and Light too, deciding they were fit to be the first dogs the puppies would meet. Storm put his front paws to the ground, and swung his butt in the air, telling the pups he was going to play. Bran, and two other pups he didn't know tackled and wrestled Storm for the next little while till all the pups were worn out. Princess seemed fine with her puppies meeting new dogs, though every so often she'd turn and eye the adults. The day was all over too fast, though Storm hadn't got any training done, he'd had a pretty good day playing with the pups. Storm crawled in his crate, he was about to fall asleep, but he remembered Rocky. He remembered he needed to get out of there, even though everything seemed so perfect, he knew it was all wrong, and the man had done this with countless other dogs. Storm got up and walked over in front of the crates.

"My friends, I've witnessed something terrible, every other greyhound in the stadium has been slain and sold. Even members of the old team, like us, are dead and now on a plane to, wherever. I'm leaving, I don't want to be a dead meat dog, and I don't think any of you want to either, its up to you, but I'm leaving tonight," Storm barked, but not loud enough to wake the people.

Some dogs looked doubtful, though some looked terrified.

"That's not true you liar!" Prize snarled.

"N-No it is... I've met countless dogs here, watched them get taken away too, go if you want I really don't care though," Princess barked.

"I'm coming!" Light barked.

"Me too! I'm bred for running not food!" Fly barked.

Storm smiled, he thought every dog would think he was crazy and stay in the warmth of their crates. Fly got up and walked towards Storm, along with Light. Storm was about to jump the fence when he felt a tap on the back of his back leg.

"Hey Mr. Storm, can I come?" Bran asked.

"Wha! No Bran your mother is here!" Storm barked.

"Bran why would you even ask that! You black and white dogs are the worst I've ever met! I'm insulted Bran you runt! Go! Go and don't come back cause after this we wont accept you! Your siblings and I will live to our full potential and you will just be a dumb street dog bran," Princess boiled with rage.

Every dog watched in fear and intensity, Storm winced each time Princess opened her jaws, fearing she would bite Bran. The black and white pup's face was smothered with hurt and sadness, Storm grabbed Bran in his mouth and hopped the fence, followed by Fly and Light. They walked down the streets of the city, unsure what to do next.

The greyhound dreamTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang