Chapter 2

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"It's the track of life Storm! Run, run, run till you reach the line. Then, my poor friend, it's all over to fast. Then you wait till it happens again, and again, and again. There's nothing more to it than that," a voice echoed through Storm's mind.

"N-No there's always more! After the race you.. you wait in your kennel till the next, and you train and work hard to come in first!" Storm growled, " who are you anyways!"

"Me? That doesn't matter Storm. Remember what I've said pup, the race track of life," it said again.

Storm's eyes opened, revealing a dark figure. He got up from where he had passed out. The figure's black eyes stared into Storm's soul. It smiled, revealing is white teeth. The figure got up, it looked like a black greyhound. It smirked and opened the cage door.

"Stormy mark my words, this life is going down. And when it does it never comes back up. Maybe you should go to the real world? That would be best for my Stormy," the figure hissed.

"My name is Storm! My life is perfect you flea ridden mutt! What could a dog like you know about life?!?" Storm bravely barked.

"Dog? Oh no Stormy I'm no dog! I'm your deepest desire, your darkest thoughts, that part of you that you wished you never had. I go by fear though, so I suppose a mortal like you would consider that a name for me. Stormy being a being like me, I know many things that you may never," the black shadow dog corrected.

Storm gulped and stepped out of his cage. The shadow dog edged behind Storm and bit his back leg. Storm howled in pain and flung himself around. But he was alone, alone on the race track. Storm walked on the track towards the finish line. He began to run. Dogs appeared at his sides, they were all grey, and marked with numbers. Eyes black the greyhounds ran towards the common goal of the finish line. Storm ran with them, they neared the finish line, to reveal a pit that was filled with the bodies of greyhounds. Storm barked in fear and tried to stop himself. But he was moving to fast, and crashed to the pit of dogs.

Storm awoke with a jolt. He whined in distress, Rocky was snarling and barking at Storm.

"SHUT UP STORM!!" He yelled.

"S-Sorry Rocky. What was I saying?" Storm whimpered.

"Gibberish kid!! Raaa roooo bark pant whine howl! Just be quiet!" He growled.

Storm panted, he was still in his cage, and still waiting for the next race. Was what the shadow dog, Fear, right? Was Storm's life purposeless? Storm shook himself, he didn't want those thoughts in his mind. The pain Storm had felt when he fell was too real, and when the shadow dog bit him. The door creaked open, the man grabbed Storm, Light, and Prize. He walked all three of them to two impatient men. He handed own Light's leash, and the other Prize's leash. They walked out of the stadium, to a car. Storm gasped when he saw the real world, with grass, buildings, and other people and animals. He was put in the back seat of the car, along with Light and Prize. The engine started to go, and before the dogs knew it a new life was dawning upon them. They drove for hours, finally the car stopped. The men grabbed the dogs and walked into a huge building. They met a happy go lucky looking woman. She took Light's lead first and led her into a large kennel made of plastic. Then she did the same with Stormy. The crates were put on a golf cart with a trailer behind it and drove farther into the building. Then they were loaded onto a plane. 30 minutes after they had been loaded on the door closed.

"What is this?!?" Prize barked.

Stormy heard the fear in Prize's bark. He was determined to hide the fear in his own, "I don't know," he failed.

"Hi dogs! My name is Duke. We're on a plane, it takes you somewhere, I don't know how but when you get on you wait for awhile then when you come out where you are is completely different! It's amazing!" A dog barked.

"How do you know?" Storm asked, unsure if he could trust the dog.

"I'm a pure bred Mastiff, and I compete in dogs shows all over the world, so I need to go different places," he barked.

"Mastiff? What's that?" Light asked.

"It's a breed of dog... You know I can see you there, you're a greyhound," he barked.

"Where are you?" Storm asked.

"on top of a crate, your crate has a see through top," he barked.

Storm looked up, he saw a huge dog in a big crate on top of another. Storm gasped, he had only ever seen greyhounds.

"What are you! You're a funny looking greyhound!" Storm barked.

"Haha I'm not a greyhound! I told you I'm a mastiff!! There different breeds of dogs ya' know," he barked.

"Wow that's weir-" storm was cut off from a terrible noise.

He howled in fear. He could hear Prize and Light whimpering and panting in stress beside him. The noise died down, but never left altogether. Storm laid down, the man had brought their kongs. He gnawed on the foul tasting rubber for awhile until he fell asleep. He awoke to the sound of the door opening. His crate was spun around, revealing a concrete flatland. Storm confusedly tilted his head. He had never seen a field of concrete. Then he crate slid down the hatch, onto the concrete. A person picked his crate up and put it one a trailer, he heard the grunts of Prize and Light. Then the vehicle lurched forward, and drove into a building. He saw the men. The opened the crate doors and attached the leads again. The greyhounds were taken into a small taxi, and taken away. The taxi stopped, and the greyhounds were taken out again. They were taken into a stadium, like the one at their home, but way bigger. They were tied to a pole, beside many other dogs. There was rows of poles. Storm wasn't in the mood for talking, so he laid down and dozed off. Light nipped him awake. She looked fondly at the black and white greyhound.

"It's nearly one of our turns, I think it goes me, Prize then you but I'm not sure," she smiled.

"Thanks for waking me," Storm yawned.

A man Storm didn't know unattached Light's lead and pulled her into the kennel. The man on the megaphone announced something Storm didn't bother to listen to. Then the other doors flung open, and the dogs raced. Light returned to the pole breathless.

"They're really good Storm! Try your best! I got 4th place!" She panted.

The man approached the dogs and unattached Storms lead.

"Haha guess I was wrong! Have fun out there Storm!" Light smiled.

Storm was given the number 2 coat again and put into his kennel. The man on the megaphone talked again, then the door flung open.

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