“Your name is Kylie, right?” he asked, whiskey was on his breath, it wafted over me.

I closed my eyes and lifted my chin away from his just a bit. After a moment, he sighed. This didn’t stop him from continuing though. My body shook as he pushed in and out. I ignored the feelings of his large hairy body pressed against me. I ignored the sounds of his panting and breathing. I ignored everything.

I was numb.

He occasionally grabbed at my breasts, squeezing or pinching them. I had learned a long time ago not to make a single sound when they did this other than to moan, even if it hurt. This only encouraged them to be harder and rougher.

His lips sloppily worked over my body and cheek. He made to try to put his mouth on mine, I turned my chin higher when he got close,  he eventually gave up.

I knew what he was doing. He was trying to get a response out of me. Every guy, even if they were just paying for sex, saw themselves as an Adonis. They always thought they could bring a girl to climax just with the force of their manliness. They wanted me to moan; they wanted me to squirm. I did nothing. It was the only small victory I could give myself.

Maybe, just maybe, they wouldn’t be happy with it. Maybe they would go to someone else, if I just acted poorly enough. They would tell their friends, and I would have less customers. That never seemed to be the case though. 

He finally gave up after a bit, flopping up and down on me a few more times before he was finally done.

He pulled out and got up, letting out a few more breaths.  I remained in silent. I knew it bothered him; I wanted to make him uncomfortable. After a few more moments he pulled the condom off and threw it in a nearby trashcan. He dressed in silence while I sat quietly on the bed. I had closed my legs and pulled the blanket over myself.

No reason to give him a show.

He hastily fled the room as I gave him my best death glare, sending him on his way.


I got myself cleaned up for the day ahead. I hadn't been at school for a week, so I decided to actually go and get myself an education.

As I finished doing my makeup and started for the door, I walked downstairs into the living room my step dad was standing. The way he stood made it impossible to leave that way, he didn't want me leaving.

"Ms. Kylie, where do you think you're going?" He spoke curiously yet grumpy.

"You know school where kids go to learn and get an education dick." I responded barely audible, ready to leave.

"Hey! Watch that mouth of yours. Now go to school and you better be back right after school. You have more clients." He demanded.

"Yeah whatever." I said. I pushed pass him and out the door.

When I was outside I ran as fast as I could to school. I didn't want Curtis having a reason to change his mind and coming after me.

School was my only escape.

If my mom was here with us she'd throw him out on the streets and protect me.

I missed her so much.

I remember the day she died as clear as day. I had insisted on going to the play on a rainy and stormy night we stopped at a red light. Like any other normal person should. The wind blew and gave us a hard time. It was about to storm.

We heard a car honk, incessantly honking. We had no idea which direction it came, the fog to thick to see anything from far. I remember the terror in my moms' eyes and the screams that came out of my little self.

I remember we were hit from the side, flipping us into a small ditch on the were we were. Everything just went black and I woke up in a hospital disoriented.

I came out of my memory and rushed into the school, the hallways were empty and it was quiet. Unnormally quiet. I ignores the quietness and continue on my way to my locker.

Inside my locker chilled my body and made me groan in irritation. Papers were scattered everywhere and it looked like a tornado came through there. I was a little on the OCD side, and seeing this made my insides jump.

It was disgusting.



 Authors note:

This is just a short prologue tell me what you guys think of it comments and votes are encouraged

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