Chapter 10

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Pythor smacked yet another large leaf away from his face. He was growing irritable. He thought the mountains were bad, but this...this place was awful. It was hot and humid, and clouds of insects were everywhere, buzzing in his ears, and landing all over him. Luckily, the animals that undoubtedly resided in this horrid jungle steered clear of him. He was a predator, after all, and much more intelligent than those that were already here.

How am I going to get through? I have no idea where I am, or how to get out!

'Patience, Pythor. You will escape. Use that cunningness I know you have.'

Pythor jumped a mile when the voice rang out. How long have they been watching me? No matter. As much as I hate to admit it, that voice is right. I must think.

He looked around. What can I use to get out of here? All he could see were bugs, plants, and trees. A moment later, an idea struck him.

It might be generic, but it'll do.

Pythor glanced around, looking for a suitable tree, and when he found one, he began to scale it, agilely moving from branch to branch, using his long, flexible, strong tail as support when needed. The other Serpentine tribes may not belong in trees, but Anacondrai were different. They could master anything thrown at them.

When he got to the top, Pythor poked his head through the leaves and branches, and studied the area around him, the birds' eye view enabling him to see much farther.

I can't even see the end! This will take longer than I originally thought.

It was when he looked behind him and clearly saw the mountains as if he were still standing on them that he realized why.

No wonder! I've barely made any progress at all! If I am to make it through, I must move faster and make sure I'm going in a straight line. Otherwise, I'll be stuck forever!

Suddenly, images filled his mind. It was of him, swinging on the plentiful vines that hung from the trees through Hiroshi's Labyrinth.

Oh you've got to be kidding me.

'It's a way to get around.'

Pythor growled at the voice. He'd had a feeling those images were their doing.

'Go on. Just think of all the things Ninjago has done to you. Let the hate push you forward.'

The snake sighed. He was probably going to regret this. He climbed down the tree and tentatively grabbed a hold of the first vine he saw. Leaning back, Pythor gulped once, closed his eyes, and swung forward.

As soon as his tail left the safety of the branch, he started screaming, his grip tightening tenfold on the vine. When he felt himself begin to slow down, he warily opened one eye, and leapt from his current vine, scrambling to grab a hold of the next one. His momentum carried him forward, and he was soon swinging through the trees, gradually getting better at jumping from one vine to the next.

Pythor moved through the Labyrinth at a lightning speed. This was actually a not half-bad idea, he grudgingly admitted to himself. A dark laughter filled the air around him.


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