Chapter 5

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Lloyd couldn't help but smile and laugh all through breakfast, despite his previously foul mood.

First of all, his father was a god when it came to French toast. He didn't even think Zane could do better. Second, Kai put on a show, and started slapping Cole, who was sitting next to him, with his pieces of toast. Cole just sat in shock for a moment while the rest of them cracked up, but then grinned widely and began to slap Kai back. Soon, everyone was slapping each other, except Garmadon, who was complaining about the waste of his French toast. But that all changed when Lloyd said "Come on, father," and hit him full in the face.

"Oh, it's on, son!" And just like that, all members of the Destiny's Bounty were engaged in the Great French Toast Slap War.

When most of their breakfast was all over them instead of eaten, the Ninja all filed out on to the deck to begin training.

"Alright, pupils," Sensei Wu called. "Today, my brother will be teaching your lesson."

Lloyd stood straight. This was going to be interesting.

"Today, I am going to be teaching you the Art of the Silent Fist," Garmadon said. "To fight, without fighting."

"What the heck is that supposed to mean," Kai questioned. Everyone else looked confused, too, including Lloyd. Garmadon just smirked.

"I'll demonstrate, if one of you would volunteer." Lloyd rolled his eyes when none of the other four did.

"I'll go, father."

Garmadon smiled. "Thank you, Lloyd. But please, no powers. We don't want to blow ourselves out of the sky."

Lloyd stepped forward. "So, uh, what do I do?"

"Attack me."

"Wait, what? But I don't want to–"

"Attack me, son."

"Okay, if you say so." He charged his father. It worried him when Garmadon didn't move out of the way, but he didn't slow. He'd just have to trust him.

Just when he was about to punch the former Dark Lord, he moved out of the way at lightning speed, and Lloyd's momentum nearly sent him straight over the railing.

How did he...?

Determined not to give up, he tried again, this time using a flying sidekick. Just like before, Garmadon ducked just in time, and he crashed into the mast.

The Green Ninja was starting to get really frustrated. How is he doing that? He flew at his father, using every move he knew, and every time, Garmadon dodged at the last second, smirk still plastered to his face.

Lloyd finally lost control. He skidded to a stop after another of his kicks was avoided and turned to face the older man. In his hand, a giant, bright green energy sphere formed, that, six months ago, would have been very difficult for him to achieve. It encased his whole body before Garmadon called out, "Easy, son. It is only a lesson."

Lloyd let the sphere dissipate into the air. He looked down in shame. "Sorry. I don't know what got into me."

Garmadon walked over and placed a hand on his shoulder. "You let the anger take over." His tone darkened. "I know that feeling well."

His father walked over to Wu. "May I borrow our father's staff for a moment, brother?" Wu handed it over wordlessly. "You see," Garmadon said, walking back over to the five Ninja. "The key is balance." He placed the staff on its end, and it stood straight up, not wobbling one way or the other. "Let your opponent fight himself. Let the enemy tire himself." He grabbed the staff and handed it back to Wu. "Now you try. Pair up. Nya," Garmadon called up to the Bridge, "Would you like to join us and put the Bounty on autopilot for a while?"

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