Prom Night

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~James Pov~

I was trying to tie my tie, My dress shirt was un tucked and I had black skinny jean. I had eyeliner around my eyes and my snake bites, my hair was a mess but in a good way. I put on my converse and my blazer on and went down stairs. My brother had a friend over and mom and dad were going out for dinner.

"Oh honey you look so dashing" She took her camera out and started taking pictures of me. I was okay with three but she just want more and more.

"Mom I'm gonna be late picking up Evelyn" I whined as my dad smiled.

"Alright be safe and use protection" Mom said as I went to the door.

"Mom!" I shrieked.

"What I'm just saying" she said I waved good bye to them. I went to the car and drove to Evelyn house. When I went up to her door her dad opened the door and let me in.

"Hello James" he said shutting the door behind me.

"Good evening Richard" he smiled as went to the stair case.

"Evelyn! James is here"

"Okay I'll be down in a minute" she called out as I fiddled with the corsage. She came down in a deep purple dress that took my breath away. I walked over to her and helped her down.

"You are so gorgeously beautiful" I kissed her cheek, she giggled and blushed. I smiled as I looked in her deep green eyes. "Um here I got you this." I held out her white corsage. She too it and opened it and looked at it with a smile. "Let me help you put it on" She handed it to me and I slipped it over her wrist. There was a flashed and we look at her dad and he had his camera.

"Dad" she whined as I chuckled at her.

"Aww come on it's not every day I get to see my baby girl go to prom" she giggled as she went to the kitchen and got a box it had a purple rose in it.

"I got you this" she took it out and moved my blazer and pined it to my nice shirt. I kissed her nose and thanked her as she giggled. Her dad kept flashing pictures of us.


"Okay I'll stop but you guys are two adorable" she blushed and giggled. I laughed as I grabbed her hand.

"Shall we go eat I made reservations at long horns" We went to my car and I helped her in the car and her dad yelled.

"Have her back at two and you can stay her but no funny business"

"You got it Richard" I yelled back at him. I backed away from the drive way and we went to Long Horns, after Long Horns we went to the dance. We got the dance and everybody commented on us. I led us to the vote box and we voted.

We danced and had fun until they called for Prom Queen and King.

"Okay everybody we are ready to have the Prom Queen and King to have their special dance." the principal opened the envelope and looked at it. "Your Prom Queen is Evelyn Jones" she looked surprised and went up to the stage and got her tiara and her stash. "Your prom King is James Quinn" My eyes widen and my mouth dropped. I recovered and went to the stage to get my crown and stash too. "Now the King and Queen will have there dance." I held up one finger and went to the dj and requested Miles Away acoustic version. I took Evelyn hand and led her to the dance floor and slow danced with her.

I pulled her close to me as we danced and whispered the words in her ear. When the song was over everybody applaud and cheered. When the dance was over we went to her house and her dad was sleeping on the couch. We woke him up and he went to bed. I went to my car and brought in my extra shirt and jeans. Then I went to her room and we laid in her bed and talked.

I pulled her close and kissed her as she kissed me back I pulled back and smiled. She gave me a smile back. "Be my girlfriend Evelyn?"

"Yes James" she kissed me and we went to sleep.

During Prom....

~Colton Pov~

Mom and Dad left for dinner an hour ago, so it was just me and my friend Ben were sitting in the living room pigging out to junk food and tv. I glanced at him and back at the tv. (A/N: I know I said Colton is 7 but i'm gonna change it to 11 that way he is mature to something's.) 


I jumped when ben said my name. I looked at him and took a bite out of my pizza. "Yeah" swallowing it.

He looked nervous to say what was on his mind. "Come on Ben you can tell me what's up"

"Promise me you wont get mad" he said as I looked confused to what he was gonna say.

"I won't if you would tell me" I said getting closer to him.

"I like you. I mean as Like Like you" I made an oh face and smile, I knew I had feeling for Ben but I was to scared to say anything.

"I like like you too Ben"

"Really?" he asked. I leaned in closer to him and had my lips few inches away from his. I looked in his eyes as he bit his lip. I looked down at his lips and I pressed my lips to his. He kissed back and tangled his fingers in my hair as I slide my hands under his shirt. I was about to lick his bottom lip when we heard my mom come in threw the door.

"Colton Ben we are home" I panicked and pulled away from Ben and we were gasping for air. We calmed down enough for mom and dad to come in the room.

"Hey boys are you guys doing alright?"

"Yeah I think we are gonna go up to my room for the night so we wont bother you and dad." I said as Ben nod. We got up and I kissed my mom cheek "Night mom"

"Night Mrs. Quinn"

"Night boys" she called after us as we went to my bedroom.

We got in my room and we sat next to each other on the bed and didn't say a word for a while. I collected my thought and looked at Ben "Why are we being awkward?"

"Because we kissed and enjoyed it. My parents are not going to like this." he said looking at his hands.

"We don't have to tell them anything just yet, We don't even know if we are actually gay with each other." He smiled and kissed me before we turned on the play station and played Call of Duty.

~Alex Pov~

"The boys we acting strange when I talked to them" Jay said as we got into bed. I kissed her cheek and pulled her close.

"Boys will be boys Jay and if there was something up with them, they will tell us themselves" I said as she nod.

"Your right I think I'm over reacting"

"I think you are too you might be worried that you having to tell them your going on tour again in three weeks for warped tour and then download festival." I said as she nodded. I pulled her close to me and we fell asleep.


Yay an update :) Okay bye :) 

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