Family Trip

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Jay was still on tour but Kellin and I thought we would James, Colton, my uncles to Disney World. We were at the airport at 5 in the morning and we were now just about to landing.

"James stop it. Give it back. James"

"Really do I have to smack both of you upside the head" I turned around and looked at James and Colton. Kellin and Justin were sitting next to me. Mike was sleeping next to Colton since Colton was in the middle and James was next to Colton.

"I'm not doing anything, he's bugging me"

"Am not"

"Are too"

"Shut the fuck up, we re on a plane and if you don't stop what you are doing I'm seriously not gonna let you have any fun to where going"

Kellin chuckled as they stop what they were doing and stopped messing with each other. I face forward and we were landing now.

We all exit the plane and got in a taxi to Disney World. Once we got to the hotel James and Colton we went to are rooms.

"Wooo" Colton Jumped on the bed then James jumped on the bed, I looked at Kellin, who shrugged and we both jumped on the bed. We were all laughing when the guys came in.

"Okay so what do we wanna do first" Vic said.

"EVERYTHING!!!!" Colton said as we chuckled at him. We went out of the hotel room and went to the parks area.


Yay another chapter :)

Adopted in the Quinn family (SWS fanfic)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя