Six Months

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Its been six months and everything was going so well. Jay and I were married now and the boys were happy to be part of the family. Jay is on tour but I was staying home with the boys. Colton and I were watching tv and James was out with friends.

"Did you know that Uranium is238 and its the most common isotope that can be converted into plutonium-239, a fissionable material that can also be used as a fuel in nuclear reactors. Uranium is 238 has a half-life of 4.468 billion years, or about 1/3 the estimated life of the universe" Colton said as I looked at him crazy.

"Nope didn't know that. What do you wanna be when your older?"

"A scientist. What do wanna be now since you are grown up"

"A video game designer/ web designer and maybe a clothing designer"

"Then why aren't you going to school for that?"

"I don't know I--" the door bell rang. I got up to get the door when I saw flashing blue lights in the window of the door. I opened the door to see Officer Barn and James.

"Hey Officer Barn long time no see right" I smiled as Barn looked at me to James.

"This boy claims he's your adoptive son, is that true"

"Yep that's true"

"We need proof"

"Okay please come in I guess" They came in and I rushed to the files of Colton and James adoption papers. I grabbed both because I knew Colton was gonna be standing there talking about who knows what. I rushed down the stairs and to see I was right. "Here are the papers of their adoption papers."

He looked at them and nod "Okay here your boy. If I catch him doing what he did I will arrest him and he will stay in the cell until you bail him out. If he anything like you 5 years ago then I have to keep an eye o him."

"That was 5 years ago, okay gosh making me sound like a bad guy. I changed though. I married and two sons. I'm not the person I was 5 years ago" I said. He left and I shut the door and looked at James. "What did you do"

"Egged the Carson's house and graffiti their building they own, plus the window John pushed me into."

"Boy your mother is gonna have a fit if she hears about this but no worries I won't tell her."

"What happened 5 years ago?"

I sighed "5 years ago I was 14 and I got in trouble for vandalizing property and caught with drug that weren't mine because I was just the messenger at the time. My sister knew about me and the dealing of the drugs but I was young and needed money to help us get out of the adoption center. I was went to jail for a year but I got out for good behavior and went to rehab meeting when I was suppose to. Officer Barns was the officer that arrested me for what happened. My sister was pissed off at me but couldn't stay mad at me long and year later we were adopted by Kellin"

"Why haven't we met your sister?" Colton asked. I went to the table next to the door and got shoes on. I looked at them and nod to follow me.

They did, we all got in the car and I went to the cemetery that Jayylynn was berried. We got out and I walked through until I found her tombstone.

Jayylynn Rose Quinn Bostwick
January 23rd 1996- April 12th 2014
If I were James Dean you're Audrey Hepburn

"You haven't met her because she killed herself when we were in high school still. She couldn't take the bulling and I wasn't there for her. The day after she died I ran off and stayed out until 6 in the morning I went to school that day and got into a fight. Soon after we had her funeral we went on tour and I fell in love with Jay"

"I'm sorry Dad" Colton said hugging me. James hugged me back and I broke down crying. We went home after the cemetery and had delivered pizza for dinner. We played games all night.


Yay!!! I updated ^_^ okay so I think I'm gonna end this soon cause I'm running out of ideas so yeah. Bye got to go to class soon :)

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