A call for the helper

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A helper needed

A person ( female appropriate) is needed for being a helper truthfully a babysitter for a young lady of 18. The payment will be as per your needs and it will be just a 8 hours service excluding weekends and holidays. Anyone interested can contact in this number.**********

I was done typing it. I made its copies and print outs and pasted it wherever it was allowed to. The other day in the hospital had just raised high expectations on me. She was mumbling in her sleep like she always does. Anyway I have hopes.

I locked her room and went to the restaurant. Half day passed but no any phone calls. The day passed but still no any sign. Let's wait for tomorrow. But it was nothing else but consoling myself with false hope. Who wants this job these days? It had been a week but still no. I was burning in disappointment and anger. A sense of helplessness crept inside me. I think I should try something else.

And that day something else happened.

There's a phone call from an unknown number. I picked it up. " Hey! I am Jason", a husky voice says. " Hello. It's Maria. How can I help you?"." Actually I need the job of the helper. Is it still open?".

A part of me was happy but still equally in trouble.That's a guy but I need him. " Hello? You there?", he says again. I finally decided it." YES! The job is yours. Can you meet me?" Ya. Sure. Text me the address. I'll be there at 5. See ya! Bye." Then he hung up. So. That's it;!

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