Cloud nine!

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Maria POV :

It's been two hours that I have been facing the blank hallway. People have come and gone and I am there walking thousand times the same little space between my sister's hospital room and the unwelcoming wall. I was getting irritated. I had phoned Marisa in the lunch. She didn't pick it up. I thought she didn't want to talk. So, I let it go. But, I come home to find her lying helplessly unconscious on the floor. Quick, I rushed her to this hospital and she is there on the sick, old bed for what it seems like a decade to me.

It's all my mistake. I shouldn't have left her alone to suffer. But I need to work. I need money for living, for her medications, for food. Plus, when she gets alright, she has to go to college. There's so much to be done. Our new store has its opening the next weekend and I have to prepare. But Marisa isn't alright.

There has to be someone to care for her. Maybe, I should get a nurse. But they charge too high and will have high demands. What do I do then? Maybe I should advertise for a helper. Yes! That's right." Maria" , someone calls me. I look throughout the corridor. " Yes", I reply but there's no answer. I am probably hallucinating. Once again I hear it. It's dim , it's sweet and I suddenly recognized it. It is of my sister.

Does this mean she is alright? I was on cloud nine!!!!!!

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