1. Fake fans/ my basic life

Start from the beginning


I just about threw up in my mouth. I desperately tried to hide my true feelings with a smile but I probably looked really weird.


The cafeteria was packed with people. It's a good thing that I brought my own lunch because socializing isn't something I voluntarily do. So I just place myself down at the table furthest away from the others because that's just how I roll.

I was just looking down at my phone, swiping through all of the posts from my favourite 5sos fan account on Instagram, just in my own little world.

Then someone decides to sit down beside me and scare the crap out of me.

"Oh my gosh! I am so sorry I didn't see you there, I usually sit here" a pretty looking girl with short blonde hair and freckles said.

"Oh no problem" I say. Yeah, once you get to know me you will soon realize that I am the definition of awkward.

"You must be new, I haven't seen you here before. My name Emily" she said.

She seems okay, and I may have just made a friend. Who knew? I certainly didn't.

"I'm Taylor" I say.

We chatted a bit during lunch and I like Emily, she is really nice and not the fake kind, like most people here. Emily is a year older than me so she said she could help me get used the whole 'high school experience'. Which would be amazing.


Geography is a pain in my rear end.

My family told me that grade 9 geography was going to be a bitch, and that's without the psychotic teacher.

Mr. Brummer is crazy. He is one of those teachers who sees every little thing you do, yells and thinks its his indoor voice, he thinks he is the greatest man to ever live, he's super judgemental, and he just has that weird look in his eyes that scream 'psychopath'.

I just want to pluck out one of the three long strands of hair that are combed over his balding head and smack him across the face with it.

That funny thought of mine got me through the rest of the day.


Finally the class was over and I was on my way to my last class.

I was so glad I got gym as last period. I like being active sometimes so I don't mind it, and the period was over before I knew it.


As soon as I get home I run upstairs into my room, plop my stuff down on my bed, and open my laptop.

My dad works 6am-6pm and  my mom works 9am-5pm so right now I'm alone. Which is awesome because I don't have to use headphones.

I only had two episodes left of my show so I have to watch those.

After that I find myself re-watching an old 5sos twitcam from a week ago on YouTube. Its the one where they steal 1D's dressing room, Calum can't refrain from taking his pants off, "this is the best twitcam EVER", "Luke get off your phone ITS DISRESPECTFUL", anyone know the one?

When I heard the doorbell ring, I knew my mom was home. She obviously has a key to get in the house but she just rings the doorbell to tell me she's here. I love my mom.

"Honey, how was school?" She shouted so I'd hear her from my bedroom.

I wobble downstairs to the kitchen where my mom was.

"It was fine" I told her.

"So....did you make any friends? Tell me about it" she said.

"Yeah, I met a girl named Emily, I guess you could say she's my friend"

"That's awesome, so what do you think about pasta for dinner?" She asks.

"Sounds good" I say ;)

And I walk upstairs to my room again because I basically spend like all of my time there.

My room is great. The walls are painted teal and of course they have 5sos posters neatly stuck to them. Other than that, my room is pretty basic. Desk, dresser, closet, stereo, the usual.

I notice my phone light up on the corner of my bed. I pick it up in a hurry just incase it has to do with 5sos.


"HEYY GUYSS ! Just wanted to let all of you beautiful people know that our album is coming out next week! Talk to you soon! Love all of you, THREE SECONDS LEFT OH NO!!!!, umm uhh WAIT NO BYEEEEEE"

I clutch my phone to my chest. They are all so amazing.

I am probably the biggest fangirl in the world, and I'm not ashamed.

Those boys saved my life, more than you'd think. I love them like I've known them my whole life.

Well I have known them for as long as I remember. I've spent my life with them. Sure, it was through a phone screen, but it has to mean something. I've grown with them. They are my favourite people in the world and I love them so much.

On another note, I think dinner is ready and I don't want to miss my moms amazing spaghetti. It's my favourite.

So I walk down stairs and breathe in the wonderful aroma of pasta and meatballs. And see that my dad got home.

"Hey dad" I say.

"So I heard from your mother that your first day of school went well" he said.

"Ya it was okay" I say.

We sit down and have dinner.

"So what did 5sos do now? I heard you squealing from upstairs" my mom said with a laugh around half way through eating.

"Their album is coming out next week!" I announced to my family consisting of only my mom, dad, and I.

"That's great kid!" my dad says.

When we all finished eating. I went back upstairs and continued to do what I was doing until I fell asleep.

So that's basically what I do with my life everyday. So exciting I know. I am totally living on the edge.

I'm obviously kidding. To a stranger, my life is pretty boring, but to me, it's okay.

Could be worse. Could be better. Way better.

And I never expected how great it would actually get.

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