Chapter 38: NGSAFFD Mode.

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I heard several voices around me as I lay on the ground.

One voice asked, "Should we call the ambulance?" 

Another voice asked, "No, she really hates hospitals."

A third voice blurted out, "Why?"

"It's too plain, " the second voice said, "She once told me that we should go to Weenie Hut General."

I managed to giggle a bit at that comment because I knew who would say that . Suddenly, there was no voices talking and I managed to open my eyes a bit. I looked up to see Naomi, Alex, Harvey, and,surprisingly, the three Musketeers.

"Hey, guys, " I managed to say, "The weather down here is nice."

"I seriously think you fell on dog poo because there's something brown under your head," Jordan stated. I screamed and got up abruptly.

"My hair," I yelled before feeling it for anything mushy, "my bootiful hair!"

I stopped touching my hair when I heard the sound of Alex's and Jordan's laughter mixed together. I looked at them both as they started high fiving and patting each other's backs while guffawing.

"Real funny guys," I stated. "Hardy har har."

"It was pretty funny," Bennett stated blankly.

I looked at him. "Then why aren't you laughing?"

Bennett raised his eyebrows at me with a poker face,"This is my laughing face."

I was about to comment something rude but decided against it.

"I should probably get going," Alex said. "I can't miss the part when Voldemort starts rapping."

Naomi looked at him. "Take me with you."

Alex smiled at her. "I would, but your guy friends sometimes scare the crap out of me so," he looked at the guys and me before stating, "I'll see you a home, Gab."

I waved him goodbye before I took in my surroundings."Where are we?"

"Amusement park. Also known as 'Naomi and Gabi's Spectacularly Awesomely Funny Fun Date'," Naomi stated.

"Oh, we're in NGSAFFD mode," I said. Naomi nodded.

"The what mode?" Declan said.

"The NGSAFFD mode," Naomi stated like it was the most obvious thing ever. Declan was about to say something before Jordan interjected,

"Don't try explaining to Declan," Jordan said, "He got confused with his left and right when we were driving here."

Declan glared at Jordan. "I will literally tell them about the time you kissed that manikin."

Jordan widened his eyes before laughing nervously, "Let's not get hasty."

"That's what I thought," Declan grumbled.

"That reminds me," Naomi stated. "How did you guys find out where we are?"

"That app, duh," Jordan answered.

"Then where's my phone?" Naomi asked. Bennett dug into his pocket and put her phone in her hand.

Naomi stared up at him and was about to say something before he clarified,"You seriously left your phone on the cotton candy cart."

"Oh yeah," Naomi chuckled nervously. "In my defense, that cotton candy was to die for. It's like they put the perfect mixture of candy in it."

"I'm sure it was," Declan chuckled.

"That also reminds me," Jordan cut in before pointing at Harvey, "why is this dude here?"

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