Chapter 22: Good Girls Protect Bad Boys (Part 3: The Final Protection)

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I guess you're wondering this:

How am I so smurfin' fabulous!

Just kidding,no. I'm not anywhere near the word fabulous. Psh, keep dreaming Gabi.

Okay, why am I always talking to myself?

Shut up, Gabi.

Great idea, Gabi.

Thanks, Gabz.

You're welcome honey.

"What the fudge are you doing?" Alex asked beside me. We were currently watching the second Iron man movie together. Turns out, while I was doing mixed facial expressions, Alex has been watching me.

"Who, me?" I asked,pointing at myself.

"It's either I'm talking to you or Iron man. Sadly, he can't hear me through the screen." He sighed dramatically, putting a hand over his heart. I shook my head in amusement.

"I was just thinking."

"About?" He started turning down the volume. I said the first thing that came out of my head.

"I wanna be like Kanye." I stated matter-of-factly. Alex looked at me for a mere second before throwing his head back and laughing. Seeing him laugh made me laugh. Soon, we were both laughing our donkeys off.  Get it? Donkey?

Let me just shut up.

"Okay,sweetheart. You do that." Alex said after he finished laughing. I pouted and crossed my arms. "You're not gonna help me?"

"Be like Kanye?"


He looked at me up and down before he answered me. "You won't need my help with that."

I blushed and punched his arm before turning back to the screen. A thought hit my head all of the sudden. "How's your Sci-fi club?"

He stiffened before answering. "Pretty good, I guess."

"What's wrong?"

"It's just not what I expected, that's all."

"What do you mean?"

"They're all kind of weird."

"So are you."

"I'm good weird." Alex replied.

"Keep dreaming,honey." I answered him. Alex gave me a a fake sad face, but I just ignored him. He started to come closer to me with the same baby face. I smiled but kept ignoring him, focusing my attention of Iron man and Black Widow's first meeting with each other.

Alex whimpered and start leaning closer to me. I shifted my eyes to him for a second before going back to the screen. He put his head on my shoulder, but I flicked it off. He leaned closer to my face, and closer, and closer...

Until I high five his face. With a chair.

Just kidding...I did high five his face to push him away from me.

"Don't be jelly-welly." Alex rhymed. "Of my belly-welly."

"What the smurf does that even mean?"

"It means that my belly is so much better than that." He poked my tum-tum.

"Mommy and Daddy say, 'Keep your hands north from the equator.'What does that even mean?" A voice said out of nowhere. I screamed and was about to attack the noise with a pillow before Alex stopped me and pointed at the voice.

The Good Girl(s)'s Bad Boys 2: The Abnormal, The Abused, And The Accused.Where stories live. Discover now