(Weird) True Story #5

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This was submitted by mister_see

Ever since Steven was five years old, he had a dream that would play itself over every six months.

The dream consisted of him in a large, gray, cube-shaped room. There were two hallway-like holes adjacent to each other on the walls and he was standing on one. In just five seconds, the room would become a war zone. Solid gray tanks drove on the ground, miles below. Ever so often, a police car would would speed out of the hole across from him. With no road, the car would fall to the ground and cause an explosion. The booming sound of an explosion would be replaced by screams of multitude. That would repeat for some time before he got a third-person view of himself, crying, and then he would wake up.

The dream stopped occurring around his eleventh birthday and he had no dreams for the next two years. In April of 2016, the dream happened again. This time, the car explosion only happened once. After the explosion, the scene was replaced by him desperately trying to run up a hill, but a feeling like an iron ball was chained to his ankle held him back. An old man in jeans, a jean jacket, and a baseball cap approached him, clapping. The old man asked him a question in Latin and the only word he can understand was 'run'. The old man turned around to walk away and he was replaced by a red sports car and sped off.

It was 4:30am and his room's door was wide open, though he kept it locked every night.

Thanks Steven for sharing a creepy and weird story with us :)

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