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There they go again, with the lecturing of her going out alone without anyone or even informing one of them "Why did you not inform me? At least I could have sent Imraan with you" her mother scolded. Her eyes widen at the thought of her and Imraan alone in the woods.

Imraan is one of the King's nephews and a great fighter. Though he is good but not as good and well trained as the two princes brothers "No mother, you see, I'm no more a kid mum, I can take care of myself. If I cannot't take care of myself then why am I trained?" She reasoned and her mum nodded.

"Yeah, but still something could have happened to you, la samah Allah" the queen said and they fall into silence. Noor looked through the window and nodded "It would not happen again".

She then stood up to leave but the Queen stopped her "Do not worry, I'm just going to Limyaa' "

The princess bowed and then knocked on the door twice for the maids to open. She stepped out and the two maids bowed for her. Indeed, she dislike that. She have discussed that with the King many times.

"What for? That is's how it is suppose to be" he would have said.

"But father, what do feel when they do that? Do you feel.....I don't know....proud perhaps?" She would have asked.

"That is how it should to be, I do not want further investigations, you may leave" and that is's how he would dismiss both her and the matter.

She sighs before stopping infront of her sister's door. Raising her knucle to knock, she stopped mid way and dropped her hands by her side deciding against it. Limyaa and her weren't that close as sisters. They do not share secrets or anything. It is not that they do not trust each other but they just do not have that bond as Limyaa prefers to be left alone.

She turned on her heels and headed outside the palace to the garden. She took her bow and arrow and left for training.

She took off her long black dress and was now in a pair of a black skinny trouser and a black knee top. Pure black as she would like to address it. If there is anything she loves apart from her family, books and training, it would be these two colours; black and grey.

Noor took hold of the bow and sets an arrow in it. She lifted it and dragged the arrow backward in the bow then aimed it at a tree painted in red, blue and white circle after circle starting from small to bigger but all in one.

She inhaled, exhaled and then released her grip on the arrow which went straight and hit the small red circle in the centre.

She repeated the process on trees further way from her then she stopped and without even glancing at him, she spoke up "I know for how long you have been standing there" she said as he approach her.

"Really? Since when?" He spoke with a voice that held much authority than necessary. His voice was really husky which Noor had a strong feeling for.

"Since I've got the sencond tree" she answered, taking another arrow and sets it in the bow ready to let got. Noor focused to get her target for the tree was a little bit far.

"And how many have you gotten so far?" He asked amused by her highly hearing skills "Thirty seven or eight, perhaps, I don't know, I lost count" at this point, she let go and watched as it went straight to the exact dot. Satisfied, she smirked and turned to the elder Prince "What brought you here Mansur?" She questioned setting her weapon on the table next to her.

"Yeah, I saw you here and I thought to myself, why don't we have a race on the horses? The one who gets more trees or let's say, the one that runs out of arrows first, wins" he said and she was silent for some seconds then she nodded.

He grinned, showing his pearl white teeth. She sent a maid to get a hundred arrows. "So, what does the winner gets?" She asked after mounting her favourite horse, Angus.

"Hello dear, it's been a while" she stroke his hair and he relax under her touch "Anything he wants and two days isn't a while Noor" Mansur called out from the other side. Noor rolled her eyes and kicked the horse on the belly and off they go.


After some hours, they finally came back from the forest, and of course Noora won with the total of fifty to fourty-eight.

"You were very lucky this time Noor, if not I could have won" Mansur said out of breath and claimbed down the horse sitting down on the grass. A cool wind twirling around them. Without noticing, Noor smiled remembering her memories with her best friend and only cousin sister she has, Zahra, who is another fighter just like her. Unlike Noor, Zahra was interested in swords and sharps knives. She fights like a lion and has a very high fighting skills. Her smiled faded thinking of how long it's been since last she saw her. She shook her head dusting off her thoughts.

She felt sad knowing she'll probably won't see her again. Turning her attention back to the knight, she spoke "yeah, and you call yourself a knight? Really Mansur? What kind of a knight are you? Losing to a lady" she rolled her eyes and hopped down not really tired.The reason why he got tired was that he kept running around on their way back.

She pick her dress that was resting on the chair next to Mansur and wore it back.

"Where to?" He questioned standing up "Going to drink some water, want some?" She suggested and he shook his head "Going to take a bath" He uttered and left. Noor went to the kitchen and drank a couple cups of water then rested her back on the wall of the kitchen closing her eyes.

Moments later, she sniffed. Opening her eyes she looked around and sniffed again "What's burning?" She asked though no one was there to answer her.

She heard voices of women shouting and crying out loud. The glass she was holding slipped, breaking into tiny pieces and then she ran. Smoke was everywhere blocking her view. She coughed, covered her nose with her hand and ran.

She came to a halt and her eyes widen in horror.

Oh no.


Salam everyone, it's RAMADAN!!!! WOOOHHHOOOOO. How was the fasting the two days? Hard? Yeah, I guess so. Mine was really hard, anyways, here's the chapter and enjoy 😙😙😘😘😘

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