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What Riley planned didn't go as well as she though it'd be. She ended up giving her address to Sofia to get her back home. Talk about being a hypocrite. But, she didn't regret getting drunk that night, champagne is not enough to calm her from the ongoing storm inside her brain. Too much unanswered things and too much lies. Also, too much theories. She did not sign up for that, for sure.

What is she doing anyway? She should've joined the government first, the District Attorney, being on the other side of where she is now, even Topanga told her to. Having the title A.D.A on her name or something. She was just so stubborn on trying to get justice for the smaller people first. Topanga used to be like that too, but Riley was trying to get the easier way. She still doesn't know why she chooses to do that, she could be the one catching the bad guys. Not defending them. Okay, they are not the bad guys in Riley's point of view but for the government; they are. And Riley doesn't like that.

Or maybe being drunk actually does messed up your minds.

Maya was shocked out of her mind when she sees the NYPD Detective knocking on her door with her drunk best friend in hand. Riley's hair and outfit was a mess, Detective Curtis was struggling with her as she kept fighting off her grasp. "I don't believe to just let her home with a taxi," she said to Maya.

Maya immediately rushed over to Sofia's side and dragged Riley inside, Maya put her down on the couch.

"Detective Curtis," Maya speaks up, looking up at the tall figure beside her. "Thank you for.. bringing her home, I guess."

"It's not a big deal, I live not far from here." Sofia answers her immediately. "She's hard to deal with, huh?"

"She's definitely a lotta work," Maya inquiried, with a smile on her face. "But she has always been there." The smile on her face disappeared just right then. "They all have."

"It must've been good to have that," the detective said.

"It's still great, just... not the same." Maya huffed out a breath. "You wanna sit down for a while?" she asked the older woman.

Sofia just nodded simply with a smile. Maya walked up to the side just behind the couch, it's covered with curtains. Maya pulled the curtain to the side and revealed a study that shaped like a trapezoidal with a bay window. It has bookcases on the left side and canvases on the right. Maya switched on the light for the study and it light up nicely with a warm color, causing the glass-made things in there sparkled because Riley love sparkly things.

"Wow," Sofia said, amazed. She take the surroundings more seriously. "This place is beautiful."

"Yeah, we love this apartment complex because it has bay windows. But we expand ours more so..." she tells the impressed detective.

Maya then sit down on the bay window, followed by Sofia next to her. "You guys must've been here a lot." Sofia commented because she felt the welcoming and warm feeling when she sat down.

"We grow up. We got a lot more things to talk about, but lately it seems like we don't even need to speak up anymore," Maya wasn't scared on telling the NYPD detective anything about hers and Riley's friendship because honestly, the detective is someone trusted. "There were six of us. But, like I said we grow up and..." Maya realized how straight-forward she was being about the heavy theme of the conversation and stopped.

But the detective doesn't commented on it at all. "It must've been great having friends like that, throughout your school year. Even until now," Sofia remarked.

"Yeah, it's wonderful," Maya slyly remarked. "What about you, Detective?" Maya doesn't know why she asked her that, but she felt that Sofia was hinting that so she asks. Maybe that's just Maya's feeling, though.

court room ✘ riarkleTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon