m e m o i r s

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A tear streaked brunette walks into the Matthews Law Office looking upsetting, none of the guards tried to stop her because they know her and her affection so well. She took the elevator straight to the top floor, where the CEO's office placed.

She slam the door open to find a woman sitting on her desk with her head down.

"I don't always compromise jokes but please tell me that this one is. I'll take it and I'll laugh!" Riley screamed out, Topanga looked at her furious daughter apologetically.

"Who has died?" she asked after an uneasy and uncomfortable silence.

Topanga was caught off guard with the question, Riley is upset enough, she doesn't need more spark to blow up her fire.

"Who?" Riley demanded, both of her hands are folded in a fist on the sides of her body.

"Isadora," her mom whispered. Riley pretend she didn't hear that and keep looking at her mother dead straight. "Isadora Smackle." Topanga repeated after a little while.

Riley dropped everything she brought and walk over towards her mother, biting her lips to stop the tears but only made it bleeds. Though, her physic is numb, it doesn't really matters. She cried in front of her mother, she cried so loud but it was so silencing that made it even hurtful to watch. Riley fall to the floor and sobs uncontrollably, she always expect for the best; that's why when something goes wrong, she's the most broken piece of all.

"I know, dear. I'm sorry." Topanga get down and hugged her only daughter, soothing her.

But out of nowhere Riley stops crying, she wiped the stained tears on her cheek and stood up. Looking as tough as a mountain, but the sadness in her eyes told the opposite.

"Where's Farkle's holding cell?"


"Ms. Matthews, welcome back." The police officer said warmly, he offered Riley the 'VISITOR' badge as she take it and automatically putting it on. "Another case, Ms. Matthews?" he asked in a professionally casual voice. Probably hiding that he was started to get sick to see Riley almost everyday.

"Yes, this one is a little bit complex." Riley answered in a monotone note, slightly smiling at the officer.

Riley is led by the other officer into the interrogation room, where she peeked a glance at the two way glass to see him pale-faced sitting across Detective Curtis.

She opened the door to the room and caught some attention from the two people inside. He stood up immediately when he saw Riley, without caring about any professional demands she hugs him.

"You stupid, moron," she breathed out on his ear.

"I'm sorry," is the first word Riley heard coming from him after long months not seeing him.

"You have to tell me the truth, I don't want to sugar coat shit. I only do case I have faith on, the case where I knew the defendant is innocent. If you're not, than I'm sorry." Riley stated a little bit too harshly than her liking. "So, please tell me you're worth fighting for."

"I am," he mumbled hesitantly.

Riley took the empty seat next to him and looked at Detective Curtis. "We're going to need some alone time."

"You owned it, Matthews."


"So, which college are you going to?"

"Yale, Stanford, Columbia and Oxford are fighting over me."

"Oxford is not even in US."

"Yeah, I'm something."

"I'm going to California Institute of the Arts."

"Lookie our little artist here."

"I don't only going to paint and all, but I also choose to study dramatical arts."

"It is a private school, you know that? They only have like 1.500 students!"

"Yes, they do and yes I'm one of them. Isn't it exciting?"

"You got accepted already?"

"I sent my whatever-that-was early, remember? My acceptance letter just arrived today."

"Application, Maya. It's application."

"How about you?"

"I'm coming back to Texas, I missed my hometown, real bad. I'm applying to Virginia College back in Austin."

"Where are you going, Riley?"

"I don't know yet, Farkle. Is that okay?"


"Is that okay?"

"No, it's not!" Riley said, too outraged for her usual. "Smackle's gone and you're the first suspect sitting inside a holding cell with me."

Farkle lost it after she finished. "You think I'm fine, Riley? I loved Smackle! I was just stuck on the wrong time and the wrong place! You think it's easy being here when I'm supposed to be wailing over her and reminiscing my time with her with all of you? You think it's easy for me to have her parents and family never going to talk to me anymore?"

Riley looked at Farkle's face feature while he was losing his temper, he won't even realize that his tears are dropping if Riley didn't wiped it away with her fingers.

"Better?" Riley asked.

Farkle looked at her in disbelief, he just noticed that she does that on purpose so he could get rid of the uneasy emotions inside him right now.

"Why did you agreed to even helped me?"

"You're my friend, Farkle. How many times I should say that to finally convince you? You were my friend, you are my friend and you will always be my friend. Get it?" Riley described slowly in a soft voice.

Farkle sees a glint of genuineness in Riley's brown eyes, he shut his eyes for a while and let one or two drops of tears falls.

"Murder On The Links," Farkle mumbled.

"Agatha Christie's?" Riley questioned, though she already knew the answer is a yes. "What's with that?"


"Farkle, I wanted to help you. Now, please, tell me everything." Riley begged, putting her hands on Farkle's. "I always do case where I have faith on the suspect, I don't sugar coat things, I just simply believed."

"You believed me, right?"

"I do. I always do and I always will," Riley uttered softly.

"Then there's not a thing to tell. Please, just believed me."

a/n: short i know, but i'm heading to sch right now and i finally decided to update this. whaa. eh, whatevs. enjoy, peeps.

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