s u r f a c e

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Riley felt surprisingly comfortable, although if she felt like there's something misplaced. Not right.

Maya was worried, she still is. Impatiently waiting beside the bed, she's thinking of dragging the couch at the corner of the room but it'd be heavy. And she might get kicked out of the hospital if she knocks some things. The tire of just thinking of that even doze her to sleep.

Riley woke up to see Maya is sleeping with her head on the side of the bed. "Peaches," she mutters, though her voice sounds hoarse and rough. "Peaches." Riley repeated this time, after clearing her throat. Started to notice the sore feelings on her throat and lungs, it's not painful but it's definitely annoying.

"Yes!" Maya jumped from her seat, staring at Riley. Pausing for a while before she talks again. "Damn, Riles. You scared the shit out of me."

"About what?" the brunette questioned, raising her eyebrows. "And why am I in here?"

Maya looked at her, disbelieving. "Riles, you drowned in the bathtub. Good thing I checked on you!" she snickered kind of bitterly. "I told you, you should rest. But of course, out of everywhere else it's the damn bathtub where you snoozed off!" The way it came out of Maya's mouth making Riley felt guilty at some sort, but she decided to play it innocent.

Riley scrunch her eyebrows. "You sound surprisingly calm about it," she managed to word out somewhat flatly.

"Because the doctor convinced me you're perfectly fine," Maya soothes. "I was in frenzy at the first hour, but you look pretty good right now."

"Oh..." Riley stilled, looking straight up to a wall. Not daring to face Maya.

"At least, now you're well rested." Maya blow a strand of hair out of her face, sitting down on the chair next to the bed once again. "Cory and Topanga are here for a few hours, but I told them to go home because they still have work tomorrow but Auggie and Ava are still here, they're out for some food."

Riley glanced at all white interior of the room, some specks of blue and green here and there are not even close to being soothing. "Ugh, this sucks."

"Join the team, sweetheart." Maya grinned, she stood up and walked towards the mini-fridge.

A knock on the door slightly made Riley jumped, Maya looked back to the door. She pulled out a orange juice box from the fridge before opening the door. Revealing Joshua Matthews who stands there with his hand on his pocket.

"Hi, Maya," he warmly greets. Maya just answer with a nod before opening the door agape. Josh rushed in and come over to hug now conscious Riley. "Riley, how you doing?"

Riley buried her face on the crook of his shoulder. "Not so bad now, Uncle Josh."

Josh laughed and pulled away from the hug. "I thought visiting hours already ended." Maya commented, closing the door and leaning on it.

"I had my ways," he replied with a sly smile.

"You are not flirting with that forty-six year old lady at the receptionist counter," Maya stated unbelieving. Josh just tilt his head and continued on smiling. "And you said three years age gap is a lot."

"Emphasis on the word said, Miss Hart." Josh shake his head.

Riley groaned, she put her arms on her chest. "No chick-flick moments, not in front of me at least."

"You can go home for a bit and wash up," Josh suggested, eyeing Maya. The both of them are totally ignoring Riley.

"No, thanks. I'm good, and I'm pretty sure I don't smell." Maya replied, her eyes are literally throwing a sarcastic look at Josh.

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