Part 12: Nothing Can Bring Us Down

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In the car.

"Anyway, where are you taking me?" Nicky suddenly broke the quiet atmosphere. "Somewhere special.. only you and me.." he looks at Nicky with such bad face. "What?!" Nicky so shocked than she ask him to stop her at any bus stop. "No! No! Relax.. I'm kidding.. theres no way I will do that bad things to you.. We're going to release tension at the safe place."

As we're arrive at the place. There was a big restaurant. I guess it was a 5 stars and a great restaurant. this is my first time go to the grand restaurant ever. I open my mouth for a long time without thinking about my image as a woman. Then I realize that I am with someone and that person was a man. Then I'm slowly turn to look at Donghae who is looking at me while grinning. I'm so shy that makes me close my face from now until we're going into the restaurant.

"Just show me your face. Don't worry it's not like you're looks so dumb for me. But if that's look so. . it was so cute to see you're reaction before hehe. . " Donghae teases me.

"Ok fine!" Then I uncover my face. "Finally I can see that cute face again!" He smile. I'm nothing to react cause he is always like this from first I know him. So, well it's getting use for me with such a playboy.

After 15 minutes we're ordered our foods and drinks, I'm open my mouth asking him suddenly. "Why me?" I'm close my mouth with my hands. He who is busy with his phone than look at me after hearing my question. "What's again?" He seems like cannot undestand my question. So I'm shook my head as nothing important question I ask him just now. It's better not to ask.

He stop looking at his phone and put the phone on the table. He looks at me full with the feelings which I can't tell just by looking at him cause he is not telling me what he wants to tell. Then I feel uncomfortable and looks at him. "Ya! Will u stop looking at me like that?!" I look at him with big eyes as I am angry. "Just like that don't change your face." He said. I was so weird when he said that. I put my hand on his forehead to look if he got a fever or what. He looks so shock and his got that nervous looks on his face. He takes my hand from his forehead. "I'm fine.. I'm not sick anyway. Actually I am sad." he said that without letting go my hand. I feel more guilty if I'm taking my hand away from him since he said he is sad. "What's make you sad??" I'm curious. "Well.. 1st I can't have u.. so I have to give up on my first love.. 2nd I need to take a time off to make my life feel better from pain.. 3rd. I need to go. " He said all that from his heart while not looking at me. "I'm sorry.. but u can find someone better than me. Anyway what?! where do you want to go?!" I feel so wrong. "I need to go to China for take over my daddy's business. I hope so I can find someone like you or better.. " He let my hand go. "OK! Let's eat!" He said it after see the waitress come and serve our foods and drinks.


Donghae said this is his last treat for e since he need to go to China for business.

"I hope you're take care there." I said it to him while he is driving.

"you too.. anyway do you go tonight?" He looks at me for A secs and focus on his drive again.

"How did you know?!" I'm surprised. Cause this is our classmate's plan to celebrate new years together.

"well I got so many fans from your class." He makes some face of selfproud. "Lucky you to have so many fans.." I said to him. He smile.

"Maybe I'm not going cause today is my last day in Korea and yeahh my flight is on 12:30 AM."


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