Jerome : Jumping the walls

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Part two of Enter the Nightwatcher woods

Krista surprisingly woke up early despite her staying up late that night, she readied for the day and did her usual morning routine but this time she wore a velvet dress for the day.

She made her way downstairs to find her father gazing at new letters and massages other monarchies sent him, " Good day father. " The young woman greeted her parent as she made her way to her seat at the table.

" Uh, Good day to you too. " Lord Reiss replied busily as he threw the letters about donations, land handing and other things the locals need to the table before he stopped and tore opened the interesting looking one. Krista had already started her meal not bothering to wait for her father as she knew about what are they gonna discuss today.

Nanaba arrived as she stood beside Krista who was fixing her now empty plate, " Huh, he's occupied by his letters again. " Nanaba whispered for only Krista to hear.

" Well, Its nothing out of the ordinary isn't it? Probably another courting request for me or someone borrowing money from father. " she whispered back.

Nanaba nodded, " Well, Haven't you yet found a guy in your life? I mean, you need to settle down with someone someday. " she gazed at Krista who sighed at her words.

" Well if you expect me to fall for brat headed monarchies, No thank you. " she simply stated.

Lord Reiss grinned at his daughter as he looked up from his letter, " Historia, I want you to be ready we will have guest this evening and I want you in your perfect form. I know you're already a beauty but, I need to impress my guest. Nanaba would you bring Krista to her room, as well summon her maids and stylists we will have important guests tonight. " he stated as he withdrew from his seat to his office.

Nanaba looked at Krista who sighed again.

Krista gazed up at her, " Well, you jinxed me my kind friend. " she said.

Nanaba shooked her head, as she escorted her friend back to her room.


Maids giggled and Stylists mingled as they readied their master for the guest tonight, Nanaba noticed huge groups of people were entering the mansion, some mingled around the halls while some conversed and sat on their assigned tables in the ballroom, her brow raised when a priest entered the building. She gazed at Krista who was utterly confused as the maids helped her with her gown that is strikingly similar to one used in weddings, she just shrugged it off and approached her friend, " Ready for the ball? " she asked her friend.

Krista's hair was tied up in a twisted bun, as her nails was colored into the sea blue, " Close Nanaba, You're question should be. Are you overeadied for the ball? " she says as she waited for her nails to dry a bit.

Nanaba grinned, " I'm amused by your humor, Princess. " she laughed sarcastically.

Krista swatted her arm, " May you please escort me down now. My trusty butler? " she teased as she stood up from her seat.

Nanaba nodded, " As you wish Milady, with a grand entrance. " she led Krista out of the room, walking ahead of her but not too far.

Krista shooked her head and sighed.

The doors to the hall just above the grand staircase opened, Nanaba cleared her throat as she prepared to introduce her Master/Friend, " I now present you, Lord Reiss's graceful daughter, the only heir to the throne Princess, Historia Seirawen Krista Bellus Reiss. " she gestured to her friend who walked out the door, elegantly walking as a proud monarchy.

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